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# ChangeLog for www-apps/drupal
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/drupal/ChangeLog,v 1.118 2015/06/18 13:54:33 jmbsvicetto Exp $
*drupal-7.38 (18 Jun 2015)
*drupal-6.36 (18 Jun 2015)
*drupal-8.0.0_beta11 (18 Jun 2015)
18 Jun 2015; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-6.36.ebuild, +drupal-7.38.ebuild, +drupal-8.0.0_beta11.ebuild,
-drupal-6.35.ebuild, -drupal-7.36.ebuild, -drupal-7.37.ebuild,
-drupal-8.0.0_beta10.ebuild, -drupal-8.0.0_beta9.ebuild:
Bump drupal to releases 7.38 and 6.36 - fixes bug 552416. Security bump -
CVE-2015-{3231,3232,3233,3234}. Add drupal-8.0.0_beta11 from my overlay.
*drupal-8.0.0_beta10 (08 May 2015)
*drupal-7.37 (08 May 2015)
08 May 2015; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-7.37.ebuild, +drupal-8.0.0_beta10.ebuild:
Bump to releases 7.37 and 8.0.0_beta10.
*drupal-7.36 (03 Apr 2015)
*drupal-8.0.0_beta9 (03 Apr 2015)
03 Apr 2015; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-7.36.ebuild, +drupal-8.0.0_beta9.ebuild, -drupal-7.35.ebuild,
Bump to releases 7.36 and 8.0.0_beta9.
*drupal-6.35 (21 Mar 2015)
21 Mar 2015; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-6.35.ebuild, -drupal-6.34.ebuild:
Bump to 6.35 version that addresses SA-CORE-2015-001 - bug 543734.
*drupal-7.35 (19 Mar 2015)
19 Mar 2015; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-7.35.ebuild, -drupal-7.34.ebuild:
Bump to 7.35 version that addresses SA-CORE-2015-001.
*drupal-8.0.0_beta7 (01 Mar 2015)
01 Mar 2015; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
Add initial drupal 8.0 beta release from my overlay. I've been testing it
locally, but will leave it without keywords until there's more feedback.
*drupal-6.34 (20 Nov 2014)
*drupal-7.34 (20 Nov 2014)
20 Nov 2014; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-6.34.ebuild, +drupal-7.34.ebuild, -drupal-6.33.ebuild,
Version bump to address DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2014-006. Drop affected versions.
*drupal-7.32 (17 Oct 2014)
17 Oct 2014; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-7.32.ebuild, -drupal-7.31.ebuild:
Bump to release 7.32 - fixes bug 525514 (CVE-2014-3704).
*drupal-6.33 (14 Aug 2014)
*drupal-7.31 (14 Aug 2014)
14 Aug 2014; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-6.33.ebuild, +drupal-7.31.ebuild, -drupal-6.32.ebuild,
Version bump - 6.33 and 7.31. Fixes bug 519244 - (SA-CORE-2014-004). Drop old
and vulnerable versions.
22 Jul 2014; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
-drupal-6.31.ebuild, -drupal-7.27.ebuild:
Drop vulnerable versions.
*drupal-7.29 (21 Jul 2014)
*drupal-6.32 (21 Jul 2014)
21 Jul 2014; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-6.32.ebuild, +drupal-7.29.ebuild:
Security bump for Drupal - fixes bug 517364 (SA-CORE-2014-003).
26 Apr 2014; Tim Harder <> -drupal-6.30.ebuild,
Remove old.
*drupal-7.27 (25 Apr 2014)
*drupal-6.31 (25 Apr 2014)
25 Apr 2014; Tim Harder <> +drupal-6.31.ebuild,
Security bumps.
23 Jan 2014; Samuel Damashek <> drupal-6.30.ebuild,
Fix up ebuild syntax and add die to external commands
*drupal-7.26 (22 Jan 2014)
*drupal-6.30 (22 Jan 2014)
22 Jan 2014; Samuel Damashek <> +drupal-6.30.ebuild,
+drupal-7.26.ebuild, -drupal-6.28.ebuild, -drupal-6.29.ebuild,
Version bump and cleanup wrt bug 498464
01 Dec 2013; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
-drupal-7.22.ebuild, -drupal-7.23.ebuild:
Dropping security vulnerable versions.
*drupal-6.29 (01 Dec 2013)
01 Dec 2013; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
Version bump to 6.29 - bug 491858.
*drupal-7.24 (29 Nov 2013)
29 Nov 2013; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-7.24.ebuild, drupal-7.23.ebuild:
Bump drupal to the 7.24 release - fixes bug 491858. Adjust php deps - bug
*drupal-7.23 (13 Sep 2013)
13 Sep 2013; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
+drupal-7.23.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Bump drupal to release 7.23. Make dependency on accelerator and uploadprogress
optional. Fixes bugs: 416897, 443736 and 475584.
06 Apr 2013; Tim Harder <> -drupal-7.20.ebuild,
Remove old.
*drupal-7.22 (06 Apr 2013)
06 Apr 2013; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.22.ebuild:
Version bump.
*drupal-7.21 (07 Mar 2013)
07 Mar 2013; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.21.ebuild:
Version bump.
*drupal-7.20 (24 Feb 2013)
24 Feb 2013; Tim Harder <> -drupal-7.19.ebuild,
Security bump and remove old (bug #459078).
17 Jan 2013; Tim Harder <> -drupal-6.27.ebuild,
Remove insecure versions.
*drupal-7.19 (17 Jan 2013)
*drupal-6.28 (17 Jan 2013)
17 Jan 2013; Tim Harder <> +drupal-6.28.ebuild,
Version bumps to fix security issue.
13 Jan 2013; Tim Harder <> -drupal-6.26.ebuild,
-drupal-7.16.ebuild, -drupal-7.17.ebuild:
Remove insecure versions.
*drupal-7.18 (13 Jan 2013)
*drupal-6.27 (13 Jan 2013)
13 Jan 2013; Tim Harder <> +drupal-6.27.ebuild,
Version bumps to fix security issue (bug #447940).
11 Nov 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> -drupal-7.15.ebuild:
Drop 7.x before 7.16, bug #442756
*drupal-7.17 (09 Nov 2012)
09 Nov 2012; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.17.ebuild:
Version bump.
22 Oct 2012; Tim Harder <> -drupal-6.25.ebuild,
-drupal-7.12.ebuild, -drupal-7.14.ebuild:
Remove old.
*drupal-7.16 (22 Oct 2012)
22 Oct 2012; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.16.ebuild:
Version bump.
*drupal-7.15 (02 Aug 2012)
02 Aug 2012; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.15.ebuild:
Version bump.
29 May 2012; Tim Harder <> -drupal-6.24.ebuild:
Remove old.
21 May 2012; Alexey Shvetsov <> drupal-7.12.ebuild,
[www-apps/drupal] D7 also need dev-php/pecl-apc and dev-php/pecl-
uploadprogress for normal operation
*drupal-6.26 (21 May 2012)
*drupal-7.14 (21 May 2012)
21 May 2012; Theo Chatzimichos <> +drupal-6.26.ebuild,
Version bumps
*drupal-6.25 (03 Mar 2012)
03 Mar 2012; Tim Harder <> +drupal-6.25.ebuild:
Version bump.
03 Mar 2012; Tim Harder <> drupal-6.24.ebuild,
Update php use flag dependencies.
03 Mar 2012; Tim Harder <> -drupal-5.23.ebuild,
-drupal-6.22.ebuild, -drupal-7.10.ebuild:
Remove old.
05 Feb 2012; Tim Harder <> -drupal-7.4.ebuild,
-drupal-7.7.ebuild, -drupal-7.8.ebuild, -drupal-7.9.ebuild:
Remove old.
*drupal-7.12 (05 Feb 2012)
*drupal-6.24 (05 Feb 2012)
05 Feb 2012; Tim Harder <> +drupal-6.24.ebuild,
Version bumps.
*drupal-7.10 (09 Dec 2011)
09 Dec 2011; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.10.ebuild:
Version bump.
*drupal-7.9 (11 Nov 2011)
11 Nov 2011; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.9.ebuild:
Version bump.
*drupal-7.8 (05 Sep 2011)
05 Sep 2011; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.8.ebuild:
Version bump.
*drupal-7.7 (28 Jul 2011)
28 Jul 2011; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-6.20.ebuild,
-drupal-7.0.ebuild, -drupal-7.2.ebuild, +drupal-7.7.ebuild:
Version bump to fix security issue #376689. Drop old.
*drupal-7.4 (08 Jul 2011)
08 Jul 2011; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.4.ebuild:
Version bump (bug #374247).
*drupal-7.2 (27 May 2011)
27 May 2011; Tim Harder <> +drupal-7.2.ebuild:
Version bump. Update to EAPI 4 and add USE flags for database support (bug
*drupal-6.22 (26 May 2011)
26 May 2011; Theo Chatzimichos <> +drupal-6.22.ebuild:
Version bump to 6.22
*drupal-7.0 (06 Jan 2011)
06 Jan 2011; Alexey Shvetsov <> -drupal-7.0_rc4.ebuild,
Version bump for latest release
*drupal-7.0_rc4 (05 Jan 2011)
05 Jan 2011; Alexey Shvetsov <> -drupal-7.0_rc2.ebuild,
Version bump for latest rc
*drupal-7.0_rc2 (19 Dec 2010)
*drupal-6.20 (19 Dec 2010)
19 Dec 2010; Alexey Shvetsov <> -drupal-6.19.ebuild,
+drupal-6.20.ebuild, +drupal-7.0_rc2.ebuild:
Version bump per bug #349000 #348476
*drupal-6.19 (16 Aug 2010)
*drupal-5.23 (16 Aug 2010)
16 Aug 2010; Alexey Shvetsov <> -drupal-5.22.ebuild,
+drupal-5.23.ebuild, -drupal-6.16.ebuild, -drupal-6.17.ebuild,
Version bump
*drupal-6.17 (29 Jun 2010)
29 Jun 2010; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
[www-apps/drupal] Bumped to the latest release - 6.17.
21 Jun 2010; Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <>
[www-apps/drupal] Replaced a typo ` with '.
*drupal-6.16 (05 Mar 2010)
*drupal-5.22 (05 Mar 2010)
05 Mar 2010; Alex Legler <> -drupal-5.21.ebuild,
+drupal-5.22.ebuild, -drupal-6.15.ebuild, +drupal-6.16.ebuild,
Non-maintainer commit: Version bumps for security bugs 307811, 300199,
*drupal-6.15 (18 Dec 2009)
*drupal-5.21 (18 Dec 2009)
18 Dec 2009; Alexey Shvetsov <> -drupal-5.20.ebuild,
+drupal-5.21.ebuild, -drupal-6.14.ebuild, +drupal-6.15.ebuild:
Version bump with security fixes
*drupal-6.14 (11 Oct 2009)
*drupal-5.20 (11 Oct 2009)
11 Oct 2009; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.19.ebuild,
+drupal-5.20.ebuild, -drupal-6.13.ebuild, +drupal-6.14.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes security issue #285916, thank Adam Horner for report.
*drupal-6.13 (08 Jul 2009)
*drupal-5.19 (08 Jul 2009)
08 Jul 2009; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.17.ebuild,
-drupal-5.18.ebuild, +drupal-5.19.ebuild, -drupal-6.11.ebuild,
-drupal-6.12.ebuild, +drupal-6.13.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes security issue, bug #276214, thank Alex Legler for
report. Removed vulnerable versions.
*drupal-6.12 (24 May 2009)
*drupal-5.18 (24 May 2009)
24 May 2009; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.16.ebuild,
+drupal-5.18.ebuild, -drupal-6.10.ebuild, +drupal-6.12.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes security issue, bug #269753, thank mRyOuNg for report.
*drupal-6.11 (01 May 2009)
*drupal-5.17 (01 May 2009)
01 May 2009; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.15.ebuild,
+drupal-5.17.ebuild, -drupal-6.9.ebuild, +drupal-6.11.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes security bug #268036, thank mRyOuNg for report.
*drupal-6.10 (11 Mar 2009)
*drupal-5.16 (11 Mar 2009)
11 Mar 2009; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.13.ebuild,
-drupal-5.14.ebuild, +drupal-5.16.ebuild, -drupal-6.7.ebuild,
-drupal-6.8.ebuild, +drupal-6.10.ebuild:
Version bump, thank Tom Rogie aka Trogie for report in bug #261014.
*drupal-6.9 (16 Jan 2009)
*drupal-5.15 (16 Jan 2009)
16 Jan 2009; Benedikt Böhm <> +drupal-5.15.ebuild,
version bump
*drupal-6.8 (25 Dec 2008)
*drupal-5.14 (25 Dec 2008)
25 Dec 2008; Peter Volkov <> +drupal-5.14.ebuild,
Version bump, bug #252252, thank Tom Rogie aka Trogie for report.
*drupal-6.7 (12 Dec 2008)
*drupal-5.13 (12 Dec 2008)
12 Dec 2008; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.12.ebuild,
+drupal-5.13.ebuild, -drupal-6.6.ebuild, +drupal-6.7.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes security issue #250737.
*drupal-6.6 (23 Oct 2008)
*drupal-5.12 (23 Oct 2008)
23 Oct 2008; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.11.ebuild,
+drupal-5.12.ebuild, -drupal-6.5.ebuild, +drupal-6.6.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes number of vulnerabilities. Removed old, vulnerable.
*drupal-6.5 (09 Oct 2008)
*drupal-5.11 (09 Oct 2008)
09 Oct 2008; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.9.ebuild,
-drupal-5.10.ebuild, +drupal-5.11.ebuild, -drupal-6.3.ebuild,
-drupal-6.4.ebuild, +drupal-6.5.ebuild:
Version bump, fixes security issue #240726, thank Tobias Heinlein for report.
*drupal-6.4 (18 Aug 2008)
*drupal-5.10 (18 Aug 2008)
18 Aug 2008; Benedikt Böhm <> +drupal-5.10.ebuild,
version bump wrt security #234714
*drupal-5.9 (31 Jul 2008)
31 Jul 2008; -drupal-5.8.ebuild, +drupal-5.9.ebuild:
Bumped to drupal-5.9 in response to sec issue #233478. Removed vulnerable 5.8.
15 Jul 2008; Peter Volkov <> drupal-5.8.ebuild,
drupal works with either gd or gd-external in php, fixing php checks.
Thank padde for IRC-report.
*drupal-6.3 (14 Jul 2008)
*drupal-5.8 (14 Jul 2008)
14 Jul 2008; Peter Volkov <> -drupal-5.6.ebuild,
-drupal-5.7.ebuild, +drupal-5.8.ebuild, -drupal-6.0.ebuild,
-drupal-6.1.ebuild, -drupal-6.2.ebuild, +drupal-6.3.ebuild:
Version bump, bug #231748, thank John Klehm for report. Fixes security bug
#231372, thank Hanno Boeck and our security team for report. Removed
vulnerable versions.
*drupal-5.7 (27 Apr 2008)
27 Apr 2008; +drupal-5.7.ebuild:
Added drupal-5.7. Bug #218842.
*drupal-6.2 (25 Apr 2008)
25 Apr 2008; Benedikt Böhm <> +drupal-6.2.ebuild:
version bump wrt security #217223
03 Apr 2008; Benedikt Böhm <> drupal-5.6.ebuild,
drupal-6.0.ebuild, drupal-6.1.ebuild:
fix #213061
*drupal-6.1 (01 Mar 2008)
01 Mar 2008; Benedikt Böhm <> +drupal-6.1.ebuild:
version bump wrt security #211940
15 Feb 2008; Gunnar Wrobel <> drupal-5.6.ebuild,
Correct the dependency on php.
*drupal-6.0 (15 Feb 2008)
15 Feb 2008; Gunnar Wrobel <> +drupal-6.0.ebuild:
Added drupal-6.0 to the tree (#208227).
*drupal-5.6 (17 Jan 2008)
17 Jan 2008; Gunnar Wrobel <> -drupal-5.5.ebuild,
Added drupal-5.6, removed drupal-5.5 in response to sec issue #205305.
*drupal-5.5 (07 Dec 2007)
07 Dec 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> -drupal-5.4.ebuild,
Added drupal-5.5 to the tree, removed drupal-5.4. Closes security issue
*drupal-5.4 (06 Dec 2007)
06 Dec 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> +files/postinstall-en.txt,
metadata.xml, -drupal-5.2.ebuild, -drupal-5.3.ebuild, +drupal-5.4.ebuild:
Added drupal-5.4 to the tree. Fixes security bug #201478. Removed Roy
Marples as maintainer since he retired. Added a postinstall instructions
*drupal-5.3 (18 Oct 2007)
18 Oct 2007; Roy Marples <> +drupal-5.3.ebuild:
Bump, #196116.
*drupal-5.2 (28 Jul 2007)
28 Jul 2007; Roy Marples <> +drupal-5.2.ebuild:
Bump, #186884 thanks to Pierre-Yves Rofes.
19 Mar 2007; Luca Barbato <> drupal-5.1.ebuild:
protect .htaccess
*drupal-5.1 (21 Feb 2007)
21 Feb 2007; Roy Marples <> +drupal-5.1.ebuild:
*drupal-5.0 (18 Jan 2007)
18 Jan 2007; Roy Marples <> +drupal-5.0.ebuild:
New release, fixes #162489.
*drupal-4.7.5 (06 Jan 2007)
06 Jan 2007; Roy Marples <> +drupal-4.7.5.ebuild:
New release, #160375 thanks to Executioner.
03 Jan 2007; Roy Marples <> drupal-4.7.4.ebuild:
Don't pull in any databases ourselves, #159781.
*drupal-4.7.4 (28 Nov 2006)
28 Nov 2006; Roy Marples <> +drupal-4.7.4.ebuild:
New version, addresses some security issues, #151993.
We no longer install any 3rd party modules, #98524.
23 Nov 2006; Francesco Riosa <> drupal-4.5.7.ebuild,
drupal-4.5.8.ebuild, drupal-4.6.2.ebuild, drupal-4.6.3.ebuild,
drupal-4.6.5.ebuild, drupal-4.6.6.ebuild, drupal-4.6.8.ebuild,
drupal-4.6.9.ebuild, drupal-4.7.0.ebuild, drupal-4.7.2.ebuild,
dev-db/mysql => virtual/mysql
28 Oct 2006; Sven Wegener <> drupal-4.5.7.ebuild,
drupal-4.5.8.ebuild, drupal-4.6.2.ebuild, drupal-4.6.3.ebuild,
drupal-4.6.5.ebuild, drupal-4.6.6.ebuild, drupal-4.6.8.ebuild,
drupal-4.6.9.ebuild, drupal-4.7.0.ebuild, drupal-4.7.2.ebuild,
Use emerge --config instead of ebuild config.
*drupal-4.7.3 (21 Aug 2006)
*drupal-4.6.9 (21 Aug 2006)
21 Aug 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
+drupal-4.6.9.ebuild, +drupal-4.7.3.ebuild:
Security bump, bug #142774
05 Jun 2006; Roy Marples <> drupal-4.7.2.ebuild:
Depend on virtual/httpd-php instead of apache, #117759.
*drupal-4.7.2 (05 Jun 2006)
*drupal-4.6.8 (05 Jun 2006)
05 Jun 2006; Lim Swee Tat <> +drupal-4.6.8.ebuild,
Added 4.7.2 and 4.6.8
*drupal-4.7.0 (05 May 2006)
*drupal-4.6.6 (05 May 2006)
*drupal-4.5.8 (05 May 2006)
05 May 2006; Lim Swee Tat <> +drupal-4.5.8.ebuild,
+drupal-4.6.6.ebuild, +drupal-4.7.0.ebuild:
Updated and added 4.6.6, 4.7.0 and 4.5.8
03 Jan 2006; Lim Swee Tat <> drupal-4.6.5.ebuild:
OOps with Bug #117439
*drupal-4.6.5 (01 Jan 2006)
*drupal-4.5.7 (01 Jan 2006)
01 Jan 2006; Lim Swee Tat <> +drupal-4.5.7.ebuild,
Happy New Year!!! Version bump overdue.
31 Oct 2005; <> +files/postinstall-en-4.6.3.txt,
* Fixed ebuild as per bug #109482
* Fixed post-install text
*drupal-4.6.3 (05 Sep 2005)
05 Sep 2005; Lim Swee Tat <> files/4.6.0/engines,
files/4.6.0/language, files/4.6.0/modules, files/4.6.0/themes,
Version bumped to 4.6.3
04 Aug 2005; Lim Swee Tat <> drupal-4.5.2.ebuild,
Added ~amd64
04 Aug 2005; Lim Swee Tat <> drupal-4.6.2.ebuild:
Updated drupal hopefully that fixes bugs #100219, #100077, #98485, #98524
14 Jul 2005; Stuart Herbert <> drupal-4.6.2.ebuild:
Removed calls to deprecated webapp_runbycgibin function; fixes bug 98484
*drupal-4.6.2 (05 Jul 2005)
05 Jul 2005; Lim Swee Tat <> files/4.6.0/modules,
files/4.6.0/themes, +drupal-4.6.2.ebuild:
Bumped version
16 Jun 2005; Luca Barbato <> drupal-4.6.1.ebuild:
Marked ~ppc
16 Jun 2005; Fernando J. Pereda <> drupal-4.6.1.ebuild:
keyworded ~alpha. wrt keywording policy and bug #94927
*drupal-4.6.1 (16 Jun 2005)
16 Jun 2005; Lim Swee Tat <> files/4.6.0/language,
files/4.6.0/modules, files/4.6.0/themes, +drupal-4.6.1.ebuild:
Version bump. There was a security flaw.
05 May 2005; Lim Swee Tat <> +files/4.6.0/engines,
+files/4.6.0/language, +files/4.6.0/modules, +files/4.6.0/themes,
Devised new method of getting the modules themes and others
02 May 2005; Lim Swee Tat <> drupal-4.6.0.ebuild:
Updated modules to today's list
27 Apr 2005; Jose Luis Rivero <> drupal-4.5.2.ebuild:
keyworded ~alpha