164 lines
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164 lines
4 KiB
Tue Aug 2 12:17:31 EEST 2011 Sergei Trofimovich <slyfox@community.haskell.org>
* cabal: add missing tests to distribution tarball
diff -rN -u old-happy/happy.cabal new-happy/happy.cabal
--- old-happy/happy.cabal 2011-08-02 12:24:49.783565818 +0300
+++ new-happy/happy.cabal 2011-08-02 12:24:49.858564882 +0300
@@ -100,6 +100,8 @@
+ tests/AttrGrammar001.y
+ tests/AttrGrammar002.y
Tue Aug 2 12:27:33 EEST 2011 Sergei Trofimovich <slyfox@community.haskell.org>
* tests: fix linkage against haskell98 and array packages
diff -rN -u old-happy/tests/Makefile new-happy/tests/Makefile
--- old-happy/tests/Makefile 2011-08-02 12:28:42.855652016 +0300
+++ new-happy/tests/Makefile 2011-08-02 12:28:43.009650091 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+HC=ghc -package haskell98 -package array
TESTS = Test.ly TestMulti.ly TestPrecedence.ly bug001.ly \
monad001.y monad002.ly precedence001.ly precedence002.y \
diff --git a/tests/AttrGrammar001.y b/tests/AttrGrammar001.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4454dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/AttrGrammar001.y
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+%tokentype { Char }
+%token a { 'a' }
+%token b { 'b' }
+%token c { 'c' }
+%attributetype { Attrs a }
+%attribute value { a }
+%attribute len { Int }
+%name parse abcstring
+%monad { Maybe }
+ : alist blist clist
+ { $$ = $1 ++ $2 ++ $3
+ ; $2.len = $1.len
+ ; $3.len = $1.len
+ }
+ : a alist
+ { $$ = $1 : $>
+ ; $$.len = $>.len + 1
+ }
+ | { $$ = []; $$.len = 0 }
+ : b blist
+ { $$ = $1 : $>
+ ; $>.len = $$.len - 1
+ }
+ | { $$ = []
+ ; where failUnless ($$.len == 0) "blist wrong length"
+ }
+ : c clist
+ { $$ = $1 : $>
+ ; $>.len = $$.len - 1
+ }
+ | { $$ = []
+ ; where failUnless ($$.len == 0) "clist wrong length"
+ }
+happyError = error "parse error"
+failUnless b msg = unless b (fail msg)
+main = case parse "" of { Just _ ->
+ case parse "abc" of { Just _ ->
+ case parse "aaaabbbbcccc" of { Just _ ->
+ case parse "abbcc" of { Nothing ->
+ case parse "aabcc" of { Nothing ->
+ case parse "aabbc" of { Nothing ->
+ putStrLn "Test works";
+ _ -> quit } ; _ -> quit }; _ -> quit };
+ _ -> quit } ; _ -> quit }; _ -> quit }
+quit = putStrLn "Test failed"
diff --git a/tests/AttrGrammar002.y b/tests/AttrGrammar002.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6041951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/AttrGrammar002.y
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%tokentype { Char }
+%token minus { '-' }
+%token plus { '+' }
+%token one { '1' }
+%token zero { '0' }
+%attributetype { Attrs }
+%attribute value { Integer }
+%attribute pos { Int }
+%name parse start
+%monad { Maybe }
+ : num { $$ = $1 }
+ : bits { $$ = $1 ; $1.pos = 0 }
+ | plus bits { $$ = $2 ; $2.pos = 0 }
+ | minus bits { $$ = negate $2; $2.pos = 0 }
+ : bit { $$ = $1
+ ; $1.pos = $$.pos
+ }
+ | bits bit { $$ = $1 + $2
+ ; $1.pos = $$.pos + 1
+ ; $2.pos = $$.pos
+ }
+ : zero { $$ = 0 }
+ | one { $$ = 2^($$.pos) }
+happyError msg = fail $ "parse error: "++msg
+main = case parse "" of { Nothing ->
+ case parse "abc" of { Nothing ->
+ case parse "0" of { Just 0 ->
+ case parse "1" of { Just 1 ->
+ case parse "101" of { Just 5 ->
+ case parse "111" of { Just 7 ->
+ case parse "10001" of { Just 17 ->
+ putStrLn "Test worked";
+ _ -> quit }; _ -> quit }; _ -> quit };
+ _ -> quit }; _ -> quit }; _ -> quit };
+ _ -> quit }
+quit = putStrLn "Test Failed"