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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<maintainer type="project">
<name>Gentoo Haskell</name>
Chell is a simple and intuitive library for automated testing. It natively
supports assertion-based testing, and can use companion libraries
such as @chell-quickcheck@ to support more complex testing strategies.
An example test suite, which verifies the behavior of artithmetic operators.
&amp;#x7b;-\# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell \#-&amp;#x7d;
import Test.Chell
tests_Math :: Suite
tests_Math = suite \"math\"
&amp;#x20; test_Addition
&amp;#x20; test_Subtraction
test_Addition :: Test
test_Addition = assertions \"addition\" $ do
&amp;#x20; $expect (equal (2 + 1) 3)
&amp;#x20; $expect (equal (1 + 2) 3)
test_Subtraction :: Test
test_Subtraction = assertions \"subtraction\" $ do
&amp;#x20; $expect (equal (2 - 1) 1)
&amp;#x20; $expect (equal (1 - 2) (-1))
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain [tests_Math]
$ ghc --make chell-example.hs
$ ./chell-example
PASS: 2 tests run, 2 tests passed
<flag name="color-output">use colors in program output</flag>