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# ChangeLog for sys-apps/cciss_vol_status
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/cciss_vol_status/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2012/02/04 22:41:32 robbat2 Exp $
04 Feb 2012; Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org>
Bug #402109: Refactor grep/awk mess with bad linebreak to single awk.
*cciss_vol_status-1.09-r1 (27 Jan 2012)
27 Jan 2012; Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> -cciss_vol_status-1.02.ebuild,
-cciss_vol_status-1.06.ebuild, +cciss_vol_status-1.09-r1.ebuild,
Added cron job to check volume status on a daily basis and e-mail for errors.
Suggestion & implementation by Oleg Gawriloff, closes bug #350029. Removed
old ebuilds.
*cciss_vol_status-1.09 (27 May 2011)
27 May 2011; Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> +cciss_vol_status-1.09.ebuild:
Version bump, as requested by Marcin Miroslaw in bug #368859. The strlen bug
was fixed upstream.
*cciss_vol_status-1.06 (02 May 2010)
02 May 2010; <chainsaw@gentoo.org> +files/1.06-strlen-typo.patch,
Version bump, as requested by Johan Bergström in bug #299729. Patched out
a strnlen vs strlen typo.
22 Jul 2009; Christian Faulhammer <fauli@gentoo.org>
stable x86, bug 276971
21 Jul 2009; <chainsaw@gentoo.org> cciss_vol_status-1.03.ebuild:
Mark stable on AMD64 as requested by Christian Hartmann <ian@gentoo.org>
in bug #276971. Tested on a 6 drive RAID6 array attached to a P400i SAS
Controller on a Proliant DL365 G1.
*cciss_vol_status-1.03 (15 Feb 2008)
15 Feb 2008; Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org>
cciss_vol_status-1.02.ebuild, +cciss_vol_status-1.03.ebuild:
Version bump to 1.03; contains a major overhaul of the logical drive
discovery algorithm. This adds supports for the MSA500 fibre channel
controller. Marked 1.02 stable on AMD64, tested on a Proliant DL365 G1 with
a P400i controller. Closes bug #209640 by Johan Andersson <johan@e-626.net>.
17 Jan 2008; Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org>
Mark stable on X86.
30 May 2007; Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org>
Added ~x86 keyword based on user testing by Alois Schmid
<alois.schmid@gmx.de> on HP ProLiant DL380 G3, DL380 G4 & DL360, as reported
in bug #171244.
*cciss_vol_status-1.02 (19 Apr 2007)
19 Apr 2007; Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
Initial commit. Ebuild by me, but based on the submission by Peter Molnar
<mp428@hszk.bme.hu> in bug #171244. AMD64 keyword approval from KingTaco,
tested by me on a HP Proliant DL365 G1.