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11 lines
607 B

DEFINED_PHASES=compile configure install prepare test unpack
DEPEND=sci-electronics/labone virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker dev-lang/perl:= >=dev-vcs/git-[curl]
DESCRIPTION=Perl bindings to the LabOne API of Zurich Instruments
LICENSE=|| ( Artistic GPL-1+ )
RDEPEND=sci-electronics/labone dev-lang/perl:=
_eclasses_=git-r3 0d4635eeb5a96cd5315597a47eba25c9 multiprocessing cac3169468f893670dac3e7cb940e045 perl-functions f2e3420aed32cf1abe33b4129b842636 perl-module ee5593d6e2d067fafac171106655b5ce