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# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/nagios-plugins-flameeyes
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/nagios-plugins-flameeyes/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2012/11/30 16:36:29 flameeyes Exp $
30 Nov 2012; Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org>
Update to use git-2 and use the http for fetching the repository (to work with
26 Nov 2012; Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org>
Add an USE flag for samba to bring in the dep for check_smb_share.pl.
*nagios-plugins-flameeyes-9999 (23 Nov 2012)
23 Nov 2012; Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
Initial import of a live ebuild for my own set of nagios plugins. This makes
it much easier to deal with their dependencies, and two out of three at the
time of adding are Gentoo-specific. An actual release will follow when I'll be
done writing a few more.