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# ChangeLog for sci-physics/geant
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-physics/geant/ChangeLog,v 1.82 2015/03/30 20:46:18 amadio Exp $
30 Mar 2015; Guilherme Amadio <> geant-4.10.01.ebuild:
Fix examples install location
05 Mar 2015; Benda Xu <> geant-4.10.00.ebuild,
geant-4.10.00_p01.ebuild, geant-4.10.01.ebuild, geant-4.9.6_p02-r1.ebuild:
Minor typo: Replace tabs with spaces in DEPEND.
*geant-4.10.01 (04 Mar 2015)
04 Mar 2015; <> +geant-4.10.01.ebuild:
version bump. Fixes bug #541152
*geant-4.10.00_p01 (15 Apr 2014)
15 Apr 2014; Sébastien Fabbro <> +geant-4.10.00_p01.ebuild:
Version bump, added threads, thanks to Luís Augusto Perles, bug #507330
06 Jan 2014; Benda Xu <>
+files/geant-4.10.0-TrackingNavigator.patch, geant-4.10.00.ebuild:
backport upstream SetNavigatorForTracking inline function fix, credits Oliver
Freyermuth for reporting bug 496678
*geant-4.10.00 (20 Dec 2013)
20 Dec 2013; Benda Xu <>
+files/geant-4.10.0-no-examples.patch, +geant-4.10.00.ebuild:
version bump
02 Jul 2013; Sébastien Fabbro <> geant-4.9.6_p02-r1.ebuild:
Added doc flag pulling app-doc/geant-docs package
17 Jun 2013; Sébastien Fabbro <> -geant-4.9.6_p02.ebuild,
geant-4.9.6_p02-r1.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Switch optional OpenInventor to Coin3D SoXt implementation, fixing bug #473306
and bug #473396
*geant-4.9.6_p02-r1 (10 Jun 2013)
10 Jun 2013; Sébastien Fabbro <>
+geant-4.9.6_p02-r1.ebuild, -geant-4.9.6_p01.ebuild:
Split installation of all data into a new package sci-physics/geant-data, also
fixing bug #472550
*geant-4.9.6_p02 (05 Jun 2013)
05 Jun 2013; Sébastien Fabbro <> +geant-4.9.6_p02.ebuild,
-files/geant-4.9.2-zlib.patch, -files/geant-4.9.3-respect_flags.patch,
-files/geant-4.9.3-zlib.patch, -files/geant-4.9.5-scripts-only-dataenv.patch,
-files/geant-4.9.5_p01-scripts-only-dataenv.patch, -geant-4.9.5_p02.ebuild,
-geant-4.9.6.ebuild, geant-3.21.14-r3.ebuild:
Version bump. Revert to static data download (bug #454152). Removed old.
12 May 2013; Patrick Lauer <> metadata.xml:
Drop obsolete use flags from metadata.xml
02 Mar 2013; Markos Chandras <> geant-4.9.4_p03.ebuild,
geant-4.9.5_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.6.ebuild, geant-4.9.6_p01.ebuild:
Move Qt dependencies to the new category
*geant-4.9.6_p01 (25 Feb 2013)
25 Feb 2013; Sébastien Fabbro <> +geant-4.9.6_p01.ebuild:
Version bump
21 Jan 2013; Sébastien Fabbro <> geant-4.9.6.ebuild:
Fixed the environment file when the data use flag is enabled, bug #453224
thanks Oliver Freyermuth
*geant-4.9.5_p02 (14 Dec 2012)
*geant-4.9.6 (14 Dec 2012)
14 Dec 2012; Sébastien Fabbro <> +geant-4.9.5_p02.ebuild,
+geant-4.9.6.ebuild, -geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, -geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild,
-geant-4.9.5_p01.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Version bumps. Tests are not in tar ball anymore. Might have to re-apply patch
for data environment variables
24 Oct 2012; Ulrich Müller <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-3.21.14-r3.ebuild, geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild,
Update dependency after package move from x11-libs/openmotif to
16 Oct 2012; Justin Lecher <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-3.21.14-r3.ebuild, geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.4_p03.ebuild,
geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild, geant-4.9.5_p01.ebuild:
Remove virtual/fortran and always call fortran-2_pkg_setup as intend by the
updated fortran-2.eclass
04 Jul 2012; Jeff Horelick <> geant-4.9.4_p03.ebuild:
marked x86 per bug 420295
16 Jun 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> geant-4.9.4_p03.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #420295
20 May 2012; Benda Xu <> geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild,
I have massed up the keywords and Changelog with blind rsync with my overlay.
This is just a fix.
20 May 2012; Benda Xu <> +geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild,
add back geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild because geant-python cannot function correctly
with 4.9.5_p01, upstream
*geant-4.9.5_p01 (19 May 2012)
19 May 2012; Benda Xu <> +geant-4.9.5_p01.ebuild,
-geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild, files/geant-4.9.4-zlib.patch,
version bump to 4.9.5_p01
19 May 2012; Benda Xu <> geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild:
delete the wrong sed phrase.
18 May 2012; Benda Xu <>
+files/geant-4.9.5-scripts-only-dataenv.patch, geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild:
keyword amd64-linux and x86-linux; handle data dir via envd; fix clhep linking
16 Mar 2012; Sébastien Fabbro <> -geant-4.9.5.ebuild,
Fix for openinventor to use SGI OpenInventor in portage instead of SoXt, bug
*geant-4.9.5-r1 (13 Mar 2012)
13 Mar 2012; Sébastien Fabbro <>
files/geant-4.9.4-zlib.patch, +geant-4.9.5-r1.ebuild:
Fixed more zlib issues. The geant3 flag is now only for unit conversion (if
geant3 is needed, geant:3 has to be installed from user). The data is now
fetched (building needs network) to ease maintenance and set up the proper
env variables in the geant4*sh scripts. Removed a use dawn duplicate. Thanks
Marek Szuba for his suggestions (bug #407517 and bug #359673). Added a
message for backward compatibility (bug #360285)
*geant-4.9.5 (18 Dec 2011)
*geant-4.9.4_p03 (18 Dec 2011)
18 Dec 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <>
-geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, -geant-4.9.4_p01.ebuild, +geant-4.9.4_p03.ebuild,
+files/geant-4.9.4-trajectory.patch, files/geant-4.9.4-zlib.patch,
Version bumps. Re-introduced some older flags and fixed linking of
zlib. Added patch for source trajectory example (bug #365171), thanks Matthias Nagl.
02 Aug 2011; Matt Turner <> geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild,
Renamed x11-libs/Xaw3d to x11-libs/libXaw3d.
*geant-3.21.14-r3 (21 Jul 2011)
21 Jul 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <>
New debian patch set. Switch to EAPI4
28 Jun 2011; Justin Lecher <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, geant-4.9.4_p01.ebuild,
Fix sed on *FLAGS from : to |, EAPI bump
21 Jun 2011; Justin Lecher <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, geant-4.9.4_p01.ebuild:
Add dependency on virtual/fortran
21 Jun 2011; Justin Lecher <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, geant-4.9.4_p01.ebuild:
Added fortran-2.eclass support
07 Jun 2011; Jeroen Roovers <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, geant-4.9.4_p01.ebuild:
Drop HPPA keywording.
22 Mar 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <> geant-4.9.4_p01.ebuild:
Proper CMake optional use bug #359437 thanks Rafal Lalik
*geant-4.9.4_p01 (18 Mar 2011)
18 Mar 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <> -geant-4.9.4.ebuild,
Version bump. Unm Unmasking.
13 Feb 2011; Raúl Porcel <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, geant-4.9.4.ebuild:
Drop sparc keywords
07 Feb 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <> geant-4.9.4.ebuild:
Fixed a forgotten flag, thanks Rafal Lalik bug #353740
*geant-4.9.4 (22 Jan 2011)
22 Jan 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <>
geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, files/geant-4.9.3-zlib.patch, +geant-4.9.4.ebuild,
+files/geant-4.9.4-datadir.patch, +files/geant-4.9.4-libdir.patch,
+files/geant-4.9.4-no-benchmarks.patch, +files/geant-4.9.4-no-examples.patch,
+files/geant-4.9.4-zlib.patch, metadata.xml:
Version bump, switched to cmake. Fixed Qt drivers bug #263450, bug #347279.
Removed G4WORKDIR bug #345855.
*geant-4.9.3_p02-r1 (07 Nov 2010)
07 Nov 2010; Kacper Kowalik <>
-geant-4.9.3_p01.ebuild, -geant-4.9.3_p02.ebuild,
+geant-4.9.3_p02-r1.ebuild, +files/geant-4.9.3-respect_flags.patch:
Fix building with --as-needed wrt bug 344119, respect CXX. Drop old.
10 Oct 2010; Ulrich Mueller <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p01.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p02.ebuild:
Fix openmotif dependency.
*geant-4.9.3_p02 (29 Sep 2010)
29 Sep 2010; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Version bump
12 Aug 2010; Sébastien Fabbro <>
geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild, -geant-4.9.3.ebuild, geant-4.9.3_p01.ebuild:
Change clhep dependency, clhep-2.1 api incompatible
*geant-4.9.3_p01 (27 Apr 2010)
27 Apr 2010; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Version bump. Switched static flag to static-libs
*geant-4.9.3 (08 Jan 2010)
08 Jan 2010; Sébastien Fabbro <>
-geant-4.9.2-r2.ebuild, +geant-4.9.3.ebuild,
Version bump, thanks Ben Bannier
26 Dec 2009; Raúl Porcel <> geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild:
sparc stable wrt #294442
10 Dec 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Propagate compiler correctly, bug #296043
07 Dec 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild,
Stable for HPPA (bug #294442).
04 Dec 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Re-changing to old style patching at least until patch-2.6 is not buggy
and masked
26 Nov 2009; Markus Meier <> geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug #294442
26 Nov 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Fixing patch application with more recent versions
26 Nov 2009; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 294442
06 Oct 2009; Dominik Kapusta <> geant-4.9.2-r2.ebuild,
Removed alternative dependency on Qt metapackage
*geant-4.9.2_p02 (23 Sep 2009)
23 Sep 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
-geant-4.9.1_p03.ebuild, -geant-4.9.2_p01.ebuild, +geant-4.9.2_p02.ebuild,
Version bump. Added aida USE flag, fixed Qt and GDML build options,
hopefully fixing examples compiling (bug #260102), thanks Matej and
Giovanni Fattori for their input
05 May 2009; Christian Faulhammer <>
geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild, geant-4.9.2-r2.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 245875
17 Apr 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <> geant-3.21.14-r2:
Fixed some latex font generation and made ebuild consistent with other
cernlib ebuilds
23 Mar 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Added building of opengl qt4 driver, thanks (bug
#263450) for noticing
22 Mar 2009; Jeremy Olexa <> geant-4.9.2-r2.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug 245875
22 Mar 2009; Jeremy Olexa <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug 245875
*geant-4.9.2_p01 (18 Mar 2009)
18 Mar 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild, +geant-4.9.2_p01.ebuild:
Version bump (bug fixes only)
05 Mar 2009; Ferris McCormick <> geant-4.9.2-r2.ebuild:
Sparc stable, although early. See Bug #245875 --- needed for gcc-4.3 (Bug
05 Mar 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Fixed linking qt4 libraries, added G4WORKDIR to make it work on paludis
and a bit of ebuild cleaning
03 Mar 2009; Ferris McCormick <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild:
Sparc stable, part of Bug #245875.
*geant-4.9.2-r2 (27 Feb 2009)
27 Feb 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <> -geant-4.9.2.ebuild,
-geant-4.9.2-r1.ebuild, +geant-4.9.2-r2.ebuild:
Adding fixes from Benjamin Bannier to include linking when building
examples, and a syntax error caught by Matej Batic, see bug #260102
*geant-4.9.2-r1 (19 Jan 2009)
19 Jan 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <>
+files/geant-4.9.2-zlib.patch, +geant-4.9.2-r1.ebuild:
Added a patch to avoid linking to G4zlib, closing bug #255017, thanks to
Benjamin Bannier for the hint
*geant-4.9.2 (10 Jan 2009)
10 Jan 2009; Sébastien Fabbro <> +geant-4.9.2.ebuild:
Version bump. Switched to EAPI=2, added qt4 support, updated data files,
updated minimum dependencies, and now propagate LDFLAGS. Closing bug #253769.
24 Nov 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <>
-geant-4.9.1_p02.ebuild, geant-4.9.1_p03.ebuild:
Removed bundled zlib, closing bug #248423
*geant-4.9.1_p03 (23 Sep 2008)
23 Sep 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Version bump. Closing bug #238132.
06 Aug 2008; Ulrich Mueller <> metadata.xml:
Add USE flag description to metadata wrt GLEP 56.
17 Jul 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Fixed the make global step to not remove previous built granula libaries,
see bug #231314, thanks Benjamin Bannier.
15 Jul 2008; Ferris McCormick <> geant-4.9.1_p02.ebuild:
Add ~sparc for testing and for sci-physics/root --- Bug #230716 which see
for comments.
15 Jul 2008; Ferris McCormick <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild:
Add ~sparc for testing, dependency required for Bug #230716.
15 Jul 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> geant-4.9.1_p02.ebuild:
Marked ~hppa (bug #230716).
14 Jul 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild:
Marked ~hppa (bug #230716).
10 Jul 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <>
Fix some global libraries issues, see bug #231314, thanks Benjamin Bannier
for his patch.
06 Jul 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> geant-3.21.14-r1.ebuild:
Fix duplicate KEYWORDS definition.
06 Jul 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild:
Fix duplicate KEYWORDS definition.
29 Jun 2008; Torsten Veller <> geant-3.21.14-r1.ebuild,
Add missing die: || "..." -> || die "..."
27 Jun 2008; Ulrich Mueller <> geant-3.21.14-r1.ebuild,
geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild, geant-4.9.1_p02.ebuild:
Change dependency from virtual/motif to x11-libs/openmotif, bug 224749.
*geant-4.9.1_p02 (06 Jun 2008)
*geant-3.21.14-r2 (06 Jun 2008)
06 Jun 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <> metadata.xml,
-geant-3.21.14.ebuild, +geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild, +geant-4.9.1_p02.ebuild:
Added major version bump for geant-4, slotted. Thanks much to Benjamin
Bennier for his work (bug #212221). Now geant-3 is also slotted, and got a
revision bump
*geant-4.9.1_p02 (06 Jun 2008)
*geant-3.21.14-r2 (06 Jun 2008)
06 Jun 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <> metadata.xml,
-geant-3.21.14.ebuild, +geant-3.21.14-r2.ebuild, +geant-4.9.1_p02.ebuild:
Added major version bump for geant-4, slotted. Thanks much to Benjamin
Bennier for his work (bug #212221). Now geant-3 is also slotted, and got a
revision bump
*geant-3.21.14-r1 (11 Mar 2008)
11 Mar 2008; Sébastien Fabbro <>
New series of patches from Debian, more compatible with gfortran and better
tests. Much ebuild cleaning.
*geant-3.21.14 (24 Aug 2007)
24 Aug 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <> +metadata.xml,
Initial import.