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# ChangeLog for dev-java/jldap
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jldap/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2007/10/24 05:17:08 wltjr Exp $
24 Oct 2007; William L. Thomson Jr. <>
Removed java gen 1 ebuild.
16 Aug 2007; Tobias Scherbaum <>
ppc stable, bug #186196
15 Aug 2007; William L. Thomson Jr. <>
amd64 stable, bug #186196.
15 Aug 2007; Petteri Räty <> metadata.xml,
Shorten description and remove trailing white space from metadata.xml.
15 Aug 2007; Petteri Räty <> jldap-20060300.ebuild:
Switch to java-pkg_dojavadoc so that they are installed to the right
location. Also cleanup the ebuild.
24 Jul 2007; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 186196
28 Apr 2007; Petteri Räty <> jldap-20060300.ebuild:
21 Feb 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> ChangeLog:
Transition to Manifest2.
05 Oct 2006; Gustavo Zacarias <> jldap-20040730.ebuild:
Dropping sparc keywords, see #96229
*jldap-20060300 (11 Sep 2006)
11 Sep 2006; Krzysiek Pawlik <>
-files/200510-javac.xml.patch, +files/200603-javac.xml.patch,
-jldap-20051000.ebuild, +jldap-20060300.ebuild:
Migrated to new Java build system.
*jldap-20051000 (08 Dec 2005)
08 Dec 2005; Petteri Räty <> metadata.xml,
jldap-20040730.ebuild, +jldap-20051000.ebuild:
Version bump to resolve bug #90650. This version adds optional support for
dsml connection support. The cvs tag used was Oct_ndk_2005.
18 May 2005; Jan Brinkmann <> jldap-20040730.ebuild:
stable on amd64, ppc and x86
22 Oct 2004; Dylan Carlson <> jldap-20040730.ebuild:
Keywords ~amd64.
*jldap-20040730 (16 Oct 2004)
16 Oct 2004; Thomas Matthijs <> jldap-20040730.ebuild:
use java-pkg_dohtml instead of dohtml to also install the package-list in
case of api docs: #50740
30 Jul 2004; Thomas Matthijs <> :
initial import, bug 41276, ebuild submitted by Matthew Gregory Sr.