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# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
# Author: George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org>
# Purpose: Contains common vars/locations and functions for use by gnat.eclass,
# gnat.eselect and gnatbuild.eclass.
# NOTE!!!
# This code should just define vars (try to limit these!) and simple functions.
# No bash extensions!!
# That is, no portage or eclass constructs are allowed!
# ----------------------------------
# Globals
# Environmantal stuff (for env update)
# User configurable settings
## Lib install locations
## Gnat profile dependent files go under under ${LibTop}/${Gnat_Profile}/${PN}
## and common files go unde SpecsDir, DataDir
## Replace %LIBDIR% below with $(get_libdir) in eclasses and ebuilds (top level Ok, inherit multilib)
## or $(profile2libdir ${profile}) in this code, eselect module or anywhere
## outside portage (as profile will be available only during actual execution, this only should
## be done inside corresponding functions).
# ------------------------------------
# Helpers
# get_all_profile_components splits gnat profile and returns pace separated list of its components:
# x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gnat-gcc-4.1 -> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu gcc 4.1
# args:
# $1 - the string to split
get_all_profile_components() {
local GnatSLOT=${1##*-}
local remainder=${1%-*}
local GnatPkg=${remainder##*-}
echo "${remainder} ${GnatPkg} ${GnatSLOT}"
# similar to above, returns only SLOT component:
# x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gnat-gcc-4.1 -> 4.1
# args:
# $1 - the string to extract the slot from
get_gnat_SLOT() {
echo "${1##*-}"
# returns only Pkg component:
# x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gnat-gcc-4.1 -> gcc
# args:
# $1 - the string to extract the slot from
get_gnat_Pkg() {
local remainder=${1%-*}
echo "${remainder##*-}"
# returns only Arch component:
# x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gnat-gcc-4.1 -> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
# args:
# $1 - the string to extract the slot from
get_gnat_Arch() {
echo ${1%-gnat-*}
## -------------------------------------------
# gnat profile and lib detection functions
# create a list of all gnat env.d files
# for now use trivial implementation - store name of active profile in the
# env file name, so it gets called 55gnat-${ARCH}-${PN}-${SLOT}
get_env_list() {
for fn in ${ENVDIR}/${MARKER}*; do
echo $(basename ${fn})
# find all installed compilers and return a list
find_all_compilers() {
[[ ! -d ${SPECSDIR} ]] && exit
for fn in ${SPECSDIR}/*; do
[[ ! -d ${fn} ]] && echo $(basename ${fn});
# find installed primary compilers and return a list
find_primary_compilers() {
[[ ! -f ${PRIMELIST} ]] && exit
for fn in $(cat ${PRIMELIST}); do
[[ -f ${SPECSDIR}/${fn} ]] && echo ${fn};
# find installed libs and return a list
find_all_libs() {
[[ ! -d ${SPECSDIR} ]] && exit
for fn in ${SPECSDIR}/*; do
[[ -d ${fn} ]] && echo $(basename ${fn});
# find libs that have been built for a given profile
# Arguments:
# $1 - gnat profile for which to detect active libs
find_libs4profile() {
libs=( $(find_all_libs) )
for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#libs[@]} ; i = i + 1 )) ; do
[[ -f ${SPECSDIR}/${libs[$i]}/$1 ]] && echo "${libs[$i]}"
## -----------------------
# main action - central part of do_set and helpers
# extracts values of the passed var definition from given spec file
# params:
# $1: spec file (as generated by gnabuild.eclass)
# $2: variable name
get_var_from_spec() {
local var=$(grep -e "^ *$2=" $1|cut -d= -f2)
echo ${var}
# Cycle through given libs and form a ':' separated list of settings for the given
# var. Repeating settings are omitted, that is unique entry is added only first
# time it is encountered.
# params:
# $1 - name of env var to process
# $2 - name of gnat profile
# $3.. - list of libs to check (to avoid its composition every time)
# - the list is expanded to list of args at the point of call
get_lib_var_settings() {
local envVar=$1
local toset=$2
#echo "get_lib_var_settings params:$@" >> /tmp/eselect-gnat.rep
if [[ "none" != ${3} ]]; then
local envString
local specLine=$(get_var_from_spec ${SPECSDIR}/$3/${toset} ${envVar})
if [[ -n ${specLine} ]]; then
while [[ -n $3 ]]; do
specLine=$(get_var_from_spec ${SPECSDIR}/$3/${toset} ${envVar})
#echo "$3:${specLine}." >> /tmp/eselect-gnat.rep
if [[ -n ${specLine} ]] && [[ ! ${envString} =~ ${specLine} ]]; then
echo "${envString}"
# The action!
# Part common for do_set and do_update of gnat.eselect, also used in gnat.eclass
# to set environment during lib build and installation
# params:
# $1 - profile to set (toset param inside)
# $2 - envfile
generate_envFile() {
local toset=$1
local envfile=$2
local binpath="$(get_var_from_spec ${SPECSDIR}/${toset} binpath)"
local libexecpath="$(get_var_from_spec ${SPECSDIR}/${toset} libexecpath)"
local libs=( $(find_libs4profile ${toset}) )
#echo "generate_envFile: ${libs[@]}" >> /tmp/eselect-gnat.rep
if (( 0 == ${#libs[@]} )); then
local MyPath="${binpath}:${libexecpath}:$(get_lib_var_settings PATH ${toset} ${libs[@]})"
echo "PATH=${MyPath}" > "${envfile}"
echo "ROOTPATH=${MyPath}" >> "${envfile}"
echo "MANPATH=$(get_var_from_spec ${SPECSDIR}/${toset} manpath):$(get_lib_var_settings MANPATH ${toset} ${libs[@]})" >> "${envfile}"
echo "INFOPATH=$(get_var_from_spec ${SPECSDIR}/${toset} infopath):$(get_lib_var_settings INFOPATH ${toset} ${libs[@]})" >> "${envfile}"
# the next three use the common base
local libBase=$(get_var_from_spec ${SPECSDIR}/${toset} ldpath)
echo "LDPATH=${libBase}:${libBase}/adalib:$(get_lib_var_settings LDPATH ${toset} ${libs[@]})" >> "${envfile}"
echo "ADA_INCLUDE_PATH=${libBase}/adainclude:$(get_lib_var_settings ADA_INCLUDE_PATH ${toset} ${libs[@]})" >> "${envfile}"
echo "ADA_OBJECTS_PATH=${libBase}/adalib:$(get_lib_var_settings ADA_OBJECTS_PATH ${toset} ${libs[@]})" >> "${envfile}"
# ADA_PROJECT_PATH may not be set in any of the installed packages,
# we should only create this line if cumulative var is non-empty
My_ProjectPath=$(get_lib_var_settings ADA_PROJECT_PATH ${toset} ${libs[@]})
if [[ -n ${My_ProjectPath} ]]; then
echo "ADA_PROJECT_PATH=${My_ProjectPath}" >> "${envfile}"