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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<glsa id="201810-07">
<title>Mutt, NeoMutt: Multiple vulnerabilities</title>
<synopsis>Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Mutt and NeoMutt, the
worst of which allows for arbitrary code execution.
<product type="ebuild">mutt, neomutt</product>
<revised count="2">2018-10-30</revised>
<package name="net-client/mutt" auto="yes" arch="*">
<unaffected range="ge">1.10.1</unaffected>
<vulnerable range="lt">1.10.1</vulnerable>
<package name="mail-client/neomutt" auto="yes" arch="*">
<unaffected range="ge">20180716</unaffected>
<vulnerable range="lt">20180716</vulnerable>
<p>Mutt is a small but very powerful text-based mail client.</p>
<p>NeoMutt is a command line mail reader (or MUA). Its a fork of Mutt
with added features.
<p>Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Mutt, and NeoMutt.
Please review the CVE identifiers referenced below for details.
<impact type="normal">
<p>A remote attacker could entice a user to open a specially crafted mail
message or connect to malicious mail server using Mutt or NeoMutt,
possibly resulting in execution of arbitrary code or directory traversal
with the privileges of the process or a Denial of Service condition.
<p>There is no known workaround at this time.</p>
<p>All Mutt users should upgrade to the latest version:</p>
# emerge --sync
# emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose "&gt;=net-client/mutt-1.10.1"
<p>All NeoMuutt users should upgrade to the latest version:</p>
# emerge --sync
# emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose "&gt;=mail-client/neomutt-20180716"
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14349</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14350</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14351</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14352</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14353</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14354</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14355</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14356</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14357</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14358</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14359</uri>
<uri link="">CVE-2018-14362</uri>
<metadata tag="requester" timestamp="2018-08-22T23:01:20Z">whissi</metadata>
<metadata tag="submitter" timestamp="2018-10-30T22:34:46Z">irishluck83</metadata>