ProFTPD: Local privilege escalation A flaw in ProFTPD may allow a local attacker to obtain root privileges. proftpd 2007-02-13 2007-02-13: 01 158122 local 1.3.1_rc1 1.3.1_rc1

ProFTPD is a powerful, configurable, and free FTP daemon.

A flaw exists in the mod_ctrls module of ProFTPD, normally used to allow FTP server administrators to configure the daemon at runtime.

An FTP server administrator permitted to interact with mod_ctrls could potentially compromise the ProFTPD process and execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the FTP Daemon, which is normally the root user.

Disable mod_ctrls, or ensure only trusted users can access this feature.

All ProFTPD users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.1_rc1"
CVE-2006-6563 falco falco taviso