phpWebSite: Multiple vulnerabilities phpWebSite is vulnerable to the remote execution of arbitrary PHP script code and to other, yet undisclosed, vulnerabilities. phpwebsite July 10, 2005 July 10, 2005: 01 97461 remote 0.10.1-r1 0.10.1-r1

phpWebSite is a content management system written in PHP.

phpWebSite fails to sanitize input sent to the XML-RPC server using the "POST" method. Other unspecified vulnerabilities have been discovered by Diabolic Crab of Hackers Center.

A remote attacker could exploit the XML-RPC vulnerability to execute arbitrary PHP script code by sending specially crafted XML data to phpWebSite. The undisclosed vulnerabilities do have an unknown impact.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All phpWebSite users should upgrade to the latest available version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-app/phpwebsite-0.10.1-r1"
CAN-2005-1921 phpWebSite announcement koon DerCorny DerCorny