####################################################################### # # ./maps/ut4_abbeyctf.txt # ./maps/ut4_abbey.txt # ./maps/ut4_austria.txt # ./maps/ut4_algiers.txt # Copyright = mine! ####################################################################### # # ./maps/ut4_kingdom.txt # ./maps/ut4_mandolin.txt # ./maps/ut4_ambush.txt # ./maps/ut4_crossing.txt # ./maps/ut4_casa.txt # ./maps/ut4_dressingroom.txt # ./maps/ut4_kingdom.txt # ./models/trees/FS_trees.txt # ./maps/ut4_snoppis.txt # ./maps/ut4_riyadh.txt # ./maps/ut4_turnpike.txt # ./maps/ut4_tombs.txt # ./maps/ut4_tunis.txt # ./maps/ut4_toxic.txt # ----------------------------------------------------------------- * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * ----------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This map MAY NOT be sold, or in any other way turn into profit for any other person than the author. This map MAY be distributed on any media as long as this media is distributed freely without anyone having to pay for it. This level is designed for the Quake 3 Total Conversion "Urban Terror" and is not to be used, replicated or edited for any other Mod, Total Conversion, Game or Game Engine. ####################################################################### # # ./maps/ut4_oildepot.txt # ================================================================= This map is � 2004 & 2007 Martti Ekstrand and may only be distributed by electronic means (e.a. Internet or BBS). CD distribution is not allowed without permission. You may NOT distribute this map/.pk3 file/.bsp file commercially in any way or form without my expressed WRITTEN permission. Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, and the geometry CANNOT be changed in any way. If you wish to recreate this level for another game or mod, please inform me be e-mail, just so I know it's out there in other forms, and I might even help. Please retain this text file if you do. ####################################################################### # # ./maps/ut4_eagle.txt # ================================================================= * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * ----------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, and the geometry CANNOT be changed in any way. If you wish to modify the entities for use with a non-standard CTF Mod, please inform me be e-mail, just so I know it's out there in other forms. Please retain this text file if you do. You CAN create prefabs from this level though, just please give the original author the credit for the original construction! This .pk3 may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems(like these exist anymore) as long as the ORIGINAL(this) text file is included in the .zip file. You may NOT distribute this map/.pk3 file/.bsp file commercially without my expressed WRITTEN permission. If you wish to include this in a compilation of some form, have your people contact my people and they'll talk, or just send me an e-mail and we'll talk. ;) ####################################################################### # # ./maps/BFP_Model\ Readme.txt # This mapobject may be distrubuted freely over the internet, as long as this readme is included and the contents of the archive DOES NOT change. Quake 3 Arena And Team Arena are trademarks of id Software CopyRight All rights reserved ####################################################################### # # ./maps/ut4_maya.txt # ================================================================= * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * ----------------------------------------------------------------- sock_pom-src.map by Simon O'Callaghan was used in the creation of Mayan Standoff, released under the ..::LvL Open Game Source License' Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This map MAY NOT be sold, or in any other way turn into profit for any person. This map MAY be distributed on any media as long as this media is distributed freely without anyone having to pay for it and this text file is included. This level was converted for the Quake 3 Total Conversion "Urban Terror" and is not to be used, replicated or edited for any other Mod, Total Conversion, Game or Game Engine. If you want the original file used in this creation, you may download it at http://simonoc.com/pages/design/maps_q3/pom.htm Copyright (c) 2004 sock Changes Copyright (c) 2007 Raymond Ritzmann All rights reserved. Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of iD Software, Inc. Urban Terror is the property of Frozen Sand, LLC. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/masheen/readme.txt # flourescent light models (c) 2004 ShminkyBoy. This game componant is created and owned by me. No modifications on any part of it are allowed. You may not use this object as a base to create another one. You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a note indicating you got it from me. For any troubleshooting or inquiry, feel free to contact me. E-mail: shminkyboy@yahoo.com ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/baskets/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/humvee/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_washerdryer/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_computers/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/firetruck/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_hometheatre/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_table/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_pcs1/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_officechair/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_lighting1/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/woodencart/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/planters/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/bk_couch/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/axe/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/ashtray/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_flowers/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_chest/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/copcar/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/cashregister/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_casabench/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/swords/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/newspaper/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/billboards/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/copymachine/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_bath/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/truck1/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_couches/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_baskets/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/ambulance/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_fountain/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_egypt/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_apple/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/market/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/honda/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_shrine/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/garbagecans/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/lighthouse/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/landscapelighting/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_palms/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/toxiclight/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_weedpak/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/lt1_computers/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/kitchen/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/playground/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_pooltable/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/nuclearfurniture/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/tub_light/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/br_rubberduck/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/cart/readme.txt # ./models/null_beach/tires/lt1_tires_readme.txt # ./models/br_nuke.txt # This Model was created by Lt1 and Black Rayne Studios. -------------------------------------------------------------- if you need anything made or this object modified or skinned differently please let me know and it will be done. feel free to contact me at: ------------------blackraynestudios@gmail.com----------------- also there is a forum on my website for suggestions and requests -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.blackrayne.net Copyrights : This game component is created and owned by Lt1 and Black rayne Studios. No modifications on any part of it are allowed unless indicated. You may not use this object as base to create another one. It must be used as is. You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a note indicating you got it from me. For any troubleshooting or inquiry, feel free to contact me. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/toxicprops/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/portopotty/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/barrell/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/bulldozer/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/toxiclogs/readme.txt # This Model was created by Lt1 and Urban Terror Operations. -------------------------------------------------------------- if you need anything made or this object modified or skinned differently please let me know and it will be done. feel free to contact me at: -----------------rbergman@lt1productions.com------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.lt1productions.com/utops.php Copyrights : This game component is created and owned by Lt1 and Urban Terror Operations. No modifications on any part of it are allowed unless indicated. You may not use this object as base to create another one. It must be used as is. You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a note indicating you got it from me. For any troubleshooting or inquiry, feel free to contact me. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/shminkylights/readme.txt # flourescent light models (c) 2004 ShminkyBoy. This game componant is created and owned by me. No modifications on any part of it are allowed. You may not use this object as a base to create another one. You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a note indicating you got it from me. For any troubleshooting or inquiry, feel free to contact me. E-mail: shminkyboy@yahoo.com ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/switcher/omita-readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/junker/omita-readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/roman_armor/oak-shiro-readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/eagle/omita-readme.txt # ================================================================= * Permissions * ================================================================= This mapobject may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the level. This mapobject may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without the prior, explicit consent of its author. You may run this mapobject on your server as long as no money is charged to players for playing on you server. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/Phones/ReadMe.txt # Special notes : n/a Copyrights : This game componant is created and own by Browser [ICE]. No modifications on any part of it are allowed unless indicated in the Special Notes section. You may not use this object as base to create another one. It must be used as is. You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a note indicating you got it from me. For any troubleshooting or inquiry, feel free to contact me. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/codey1/volvo_xc/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/codey1/gmc_van/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/computer_01/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/crossing/kamaz_truck/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/crossing/tgb11_rus/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/crossing/kamaz_tanker/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/diesel_generator_01/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/gmc_van/readme.txt # ./models/mapobjects/trash/readme.txt # Boring copyright notice: You may use this model for non-profit purposes only. If you do, please notify the author. You may NOT modify, sell or redistribute it without the authors permission. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/oldtruck/readme_oldtruckmodel.txt # ================================================================= * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * ----------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Do whatever the hell you want with these models except sell them. These models and skins MAY NOT be sold, or in any other way turn into profit for any other person than the authors. These models MAY be distributed on any media as long as this media is distributed freely without anyone having to pay for it. These models were designed for the Quake 3 Total Conversion "Urban Terror" If you want to use them for another Mod, Total Conversion, Game or Game Engine let us know, and send us screenshots, and leave this README intact. We didnt make this for money, we made it because we love to game just as much as you do. P.S. If I find you have used any of these models and changed the README's and cut me out of them after all my hard work, I will hunt you down and beat the living Dogshit outta you!! ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/imperium/drahd-readme.txt # - Distribution - Feel free to distribute this file in any form, incl. on CD media, as long as proper credit is given and this text file, or the model file has not been edited in any way. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/o3-angel/angel.txt # * Copyright / Permissions * Include authors name and email address in the credits for there work.. QUAKE(R) and QUAKE III Arena(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/urbanterror/trees/readme.txt # * Silicon Ice Development Tree mapobject pak * ----------------------------------------------------------------- For use with Urban Terror level design only unless by express permission of authors. 10/10/2002 ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/mustang/readme.txt # ***************************************************************** COPYWRITE NOTICE ***************************************************************** DO NOT EDIT, DISTRIBUTE, MODIFY, OR SELL THIS MODEL WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION. IF YOU PLAN TO USE THIS MODEL IN ANOTHER GAME/MOD, YOU NEED TO NOTIFY/SEEK AUTHORS PERMISSION. FOR ANY OTHER USE PLEASE INQUIRE WITH THE AUTHOR FIRST. Send comments at gusher@planetunreal.com icq 104359090 ####################################################################### # # ./maps/ut4_suburbs.TXT # Suburbs by ShminkyBoy (Copyright 2007 David Snyder) ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/shminkybushes/readme.txt # bush models (c) ShminkyBoy ####################################################################### # # ./models/mapobjects/oak/oak_readme.txt # Oak-tree Mapmodel (c)GrimReaper