# ChangeLog for x11-plugins/desklet-ftb # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-plugins/desklet-ftb/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2013/07/21 10:22:49 pacho Exp $ 21 Jul 2013; Pacho Ramos metadata.xml: Cleanup due http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/gentoo/dev/273644 15 Nov 2009; Joe Sapp desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Keyworded ~sparc and ~ppc64 since gnome-extra/gdesklets-core supports those ARCHes 29 Apr 2009; Joe Sapp desklet-ftb-0.3.2: Set SRC_URI and HOMEPAGE to the unofficial archive 28 Apr 2009; Joe Sapp -desklet-ftb-0.3.ebuild, -desklet-ftb-0.3.1.ebuild, desklet-ftb-0.3.2: MY_P no longer needs to be defined since it's done in the eclass - just have to define DESKLET_NAME before inheriting it. RDEPEND does not need to be redefined since it's in the eclass too, so I removed it. Also quoted like a good dev. Finally, removed old crusty versions. 21 Feb 2007; Markus Ullmann ChangeLog: Redigest for Manifest2 14 Oct 2006; Bryan Østergaard desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Stable on ia64. 06 Oct 2006; desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Stable on ppc wrt bug 103966 10 Jul 2006; Thomas Cort desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Stable on alpha wrt Bug #103966. 27 May 2006; Thomas Cort desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Added ~alpha keyword wrt Bug #103966. 24 Mar 2006; Aron Griffis desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Mark 0.3.2 ~ia64 16 Jan 2006; Joe Sapp desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Updated HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI to reflect new gDesklets website *desklet-ftb-0.3.2 (27 Nov 2005) 27 Nov 2005; Joe Sapp +desklet-ftb-0.3.2.ebuild: Version bump 21 Sep 2005; Homer Parker desklet-ftb-0.3.1.ebuild: Marked ~amd64. *desklet-ftb-0.3.1 (30 Aug 2005) 30 Aug 2005; Joe Sapp +desklet-ftb-0.3.1.ebuild: Version bump, added a hack to adjust the downloaded filename to use a comma for the build version (1) 31 Jul 2005; David Holm desklet-ftb-0.3.ebuild: Added to ~ppc. *desklet-ftb-0.3 (30 Jul 2005) 30 Jul 2005; Joe Sapp +metadata.xml, +desklet-ftb-0.3.ebuild: Initial commit