# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/perl/files/eblits/src_prepare-v50160001.eblit,v 1.1 2012/06/05 17:52:35 tove Exp $ src_prepare_update_patchlevel_h() { # Copied and modified from debian: # Copyright 2011 Niko Tyni # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the same terms as Perl itself. local patchdir="${WORKDIR}/patches" local prefix [[ -f ${patchdir}/series ]] || return 0 while read patch do patchname=$(echo $patch | sed 's/\.diff$//') < $patchdir/$patch sed -e '/^Subject:/ { N; s/\n / / }' | sed -n -e ' # massage the patch headers s|^Bug: .*https\?://rt\.perl\.org/.*id=\(.*\).*|[perl #\1]|; tprepend; s|^Bug: .*https\?://rt\.cpan\.org/.*id=\(.*\).*|[rt.cpan.org #\1]|; tprepend; s|^Bug-Gentoo: ||; tprepend; s/^\(Subject\|Description\): //; tappend; s|^Origin: .*http://perl5\.git\.perl\.org/perl\.git/commit\(diff\)\?/\(.......\).*|[\2]|; tprepend; # post-process at the end of input $ { x; # include the version number in the patchlevel.h description (if available) s/List packaged patches/&'" for ${PF}(#${PATCH_VER})"'/; # escape any backslashes and double quotes s|\\|\\\\|g; s|"|\\"|g; # add a prefix s|^|\t,"'"$prefix$patchname"' - |; # newlines away s/\n/ /g; s/ */ /g; # add a suffix s/ *$/"/; p }; # stop all processing d; # label: append to the hold space :append H; d; # label: prepend to the hold space :prepend x; H; d; ' done < "${WORKDIR}"/patches/series > "${S}"/patchlevel-gentoo.h } eblit-perl-src_prepare() { local patch EPATCH_OPTS+=" -p1" einfo "Applying patches from ${MY_P}-${PATCH_VER} ..." while read patch ; do EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG=" ${patch} ..." epatch "${WORKDIR}"/patches/${patch} done < "${WORKDIR}"/patches/series src_prepare_update_patchlevel_h # pod/perltoc.pod fails # lib/ExtUtils/t/Embed.t fails if ! tc-is-static-only ; then ln -s ${LIBPERL} libperl$(get_libname ${SHORT_PV}) || die ln -s ${LIBPERL} libperl$(get_libname ) || die fi }