TunePimp: Buffer overflow A vulnerability in TunePimp has been reported which could lead to the execution of arbitrary code. Tunepimp July 28, 2006 June 01, 2007: 02 140184 remote 0.5.0 0.4.2

The TunePimp library (also referred to as libtunepimp) is a development library geared towards developers who wish to create MusicBrainz enabled tagging applications.

Kevin Kofler has reported a vulnerability where three stack variables are allocated with 255, 255 and 100 bytes respectively, yet 256 bytes are read into each. This could lead to buffer overflows.

Running an affected version of TunePimp could lead to the execution of arbitrary code by a remote attacker.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All tunepimp users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=media-libs/tunepimp-0.5."
CVE-2006-3600 MusicBrainz bug #1764 dizzutch koon