# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/cppi/cppi-1.17.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/09/28 12:51:04 johu Exp $ EAPI=4 DESCRIPTION="a cpp directive indenter" HOMEPAGE="http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/cppi" SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 x86" IUSE="nls" CPPI_LINGUAS="de eo fi fr hr it ja pl sr sv uk vi" for lingua in ${CPPI_LINGUAS}; do IUSE+=" linguas_${lingua}" done DEPEND=" app-arch/xz-utils nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) " DOCS=( AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS THANKS TODO ) src_configure() { econf $(use_enable nls) }