qt Build bindings for the QtDBus module Build bindings for the QtQml/QtQuick modules and enable the qmlscene plugin Build bindings for the QtDesigner module and enable the designer plugin Build bindings for the QtGui module Build bindings for the QtHelp module Build bindings for the QtMultimedia module Build bindings for the QtNetwork module Build bindings for the QtOpenGL module Build bindings for the QtPositioning module Build bindings for the QtPrintSupport module Build bindings for the QtSensors module Build bindings for the QtSerialPort module Build bindings for the QtSql module Build bindings for the QtSvg module Build bindings for the QtTest module Build bindings for the QtWebKit module Build bindings for the QtWebSockets module Build bindings for the QtWidgets module Build bindings for the QtX11Extras module Build bindings for the QtXmlPatterns module phil@riverbankcomputing.com Phil Thompson mailto:pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com PyQt5