telnet-bsd: Multiple buffer overflows The telnet-bsd telnet client is vulnerable to two buffer overflows, which could allow a malicious telnet server operator to execute arbitrary code. telnet 2005-04-01 2005-04-01: 01 87019 remote 1.0-r1 1.0-r1

telnet-bsd provides a command line telnet client which is used for remote login using the telnet protocol.

A buffer overflow has been identified in the env_opt_add() function of telnet-bsd, where a response requiring excessive escaping can cause a heap-based buffer overflow. Another issue has been identified in the slc_add_reply() function, where a large number of SLC commands can overflow a fixed size buffer.

Successful exploitation would require a vulnerable user to connect to an attacker-controlled host using telnet, potentially executing arbitrary code with the permissions of the telnet user.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All telnet-bsd users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-misc/telnet-bsd-1.0-r1"
CAN-2005-0468 IDEF0867 CAN-2005-0469 IDEF0866 koon taviso jaervosz