acroread: UUDecode filename buffer overflow acroread contains two errors in the handling of UUEncoded filenames that may lead to execution of arbitrary code or programs. acroread 2004-08-15 2006-05-22: 03 60205 remote 5.09 5.08

acroread is Adobe's Acrobat PDF reader for Linux.

acroread contains two errors in the handling of UUEncoded filenames. First, it fails to check the length of a filename before copying it into a fixed size buffer and, secondly, it fails to check for the backtick shell metacharacter in the filename before executing a command with a shell.

By enticing a user to open a PDF with a specially crafted filename, an attacker could execute arbitrary code or programs with the permissions of the user running acroread.

There is no known workaround at this time. All users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest available version of acroread.

All acroread users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge sync # emerge -pv ">=app-text/acroread-5.09" # emerge ">=app-text/acroread-5.09"
iDEFENSE Advisory 124 iDEFENSE Advisory 125 CVE-2004-0630 CVE-2004-0631 jaervosz