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# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_9 python3_10 python3_11 )
# The built-in ipaddress module handles the parsing of IP addresses. If
# python is built without ipv6 support, then ipaddress can't parse ipv6
# addresses, and the daemon will crash if it sees an ipv6 SPF record. In
# other words, it's completely broken.
inherit distutils-r1 pypi
DESCRIPTION="Policy daemon for Postfix SPF verification"
KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
python_prepare_all() {
# The tarball has a "data" directory containing a hierarchy that
# flit wants to insert right into /usr. Before it does that, we have
# to remove the parts we don't want, and fix some of the paths.
# Note that one of our patches already mangles a few of these
# before we even see them.
einfo "removing milter files"
rm -v -r data/lib data/etc/init.d data/share/man/man8 || die
rm -v data/etc/pyspf-milter/pyspf-milter.conf || die
rm -v spf_engine/ || die
# And don't create a python-exec wrapper for it.
sed -e '/^pyspf-milter = /d' -i pyproject.toml || die
# The commented conf example is documentation, not configuration.
mv -v data/etc/python-policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf.commented \
data/share/doc/python-policyd-spf/ || die
# The man page hard-codes /usr/local/etc, it should be /etc.
sed -e 's:/usr/local/etc:/etc:g' \
-i data/share/man/man1/policyd-spf.1 || die
# Fix the documentation path.
mv -v data/share/doc/python-policyd-spf "data/share/doc/${PF}" || die
# The "real" config file mentions the commented one, so we point
# users in the right direction. Caveat: the documentation is
# compressed, so we're usually off by a ".bz2" suffix anyway.
local oldconf="policyd-spf.conf.commented"
local newconf="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/${oldconf}"
sed -e "1 s~ ${oldconf}~,\n# ${newconf}~" \
-i "data/etc/python-policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf" \
|| die 'failed to update commented config file path'
src_install() {
# The "data" installation is relative to python's prefix, so
# data/etc gets installed to /usr/etc. Let's fix that.
mv -v "${ED}/usr/etc" "${ED}/" || die 'failed to relocate sysconfdir'