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# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/gst-plugins10.eclass,v 1.7 2012/10/31 01:51:52 tetromino Exp $
# Author : foser <>
# gst-plugins eclass
# eclass to make external gst-plugins emergable on a per-plugin basis
# to solve the problem with gst-plugins generating far too much unneeded deps
# 3rd party applications using gstreamer now should depend on a set of plugins as
# defined in the source, in case of spider usage obtain recommended plugins to use from
# Gentoo developers responsible for gstreamer <> or the application
# developer.
inherit eutils versionator
# variable declarations
# Create a major/minor combo for our SLOT and executables suffix
PVP=(${PV//[-\._]/ })
PV_MAJ_MIN=$(get_version_component_range '1-2')
# Extract the plugin to build from the ebuild name
# May be set by an ebuild and contain more than one indentifier, space seperated
# (only src_configure can handle mutiple plugins at this time)
# Actual build dir, is the same as the configure switch name most of the time
# general common gst-plugins ebuild entries
DESCRIPTION="${BUILD_GST_PLUGINS} plugin for gstreamer"
# internal functions
gst-plugins10_find_plugin_dir() {
if [[ ! -d ${S}/ext/${GST_PLUGINS_BUILD_DIR} ]]; then
if [[ ! -d ${S}/sys/${GST_PLUGINS_BUILD_DIR} ]]; then
ewarn "No such plugin directory"
einfo "Building system plugin ${GST_PLUGINS_BUILD_DIR} ..."
cd "${S}"/sys/${GST_PLUGINS_BUILD_DIR}
einfo "Building external plugin ${GST_PLUGINS_BUILD_DIR} ..."
cd "${S}"/ext/${GST_PLUGINS_BUILD_DIR}
# public functions
gst-plugins10_remove_unversioned_binaries() {
# remove the unversioned binaries gstreamer provide
# this is to prevent these binaries to be owned by several SLOTs
cd "${D}"/usr/bin
local gst_bins
for gst_bins in *-${PV_MAJ_MIN}; do
[[ -e ${gst_bins} ]] || continue
rm ${gst_bins/-${PV_MAJ_MIN}/}
einfo "Removed ${gst_bins/-${PV_MAJ_MIN}/}"