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222 lines
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# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
extra_started_commands="attach resume suspend"
depend() {
# we can use dns and net, but we can also in most cases live without them
use dns net ntp-client ntpd
create_work_directory() {
local sslcrt="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
if [ ! -d "${RUNTIMEDIR}" ]; then
einfo "Directory ${RUNTIMEDIR} does not exist, creating now."
if ! mkdir -p "${RUNTIMEDIR}"; then
eerror "Directory ${RUNTIMEDIR} could not be created!"
return 1
# ensure proper ownership
if ! chown "${USER}:${GROUP}" "${RUNTIMEDIR}"; then
eerror "Changing ownership of '${RUNTIMEDIR}' to '${USER}:${GROUP}' failed!"
return 1
if [ ! -e "${RUNTIMEDIR}"/ca-bundle.crt ]; then
if [ ! -f "${sslcrt}" ]; then
eerror "'${sslcrt}' does not exist!"
return 1
if ! ln -s "${sslcrt}" "${RUNTIMEDIR}"/ca-bundle.crt; then
eerror "Symlinking '${sslcrt}' failed!"
return 1
return 0
fix_lib_symlinks() {
local src="$1"
local tgt="$2"
# If the source does not exist, we can not do anything
if [ ! -f "${src}" ] ; then
return 1
# Check whether the symlink is already there and in order
if [ -L "${tgt}" ] ; then
if [ -f "${tgt}" ] ; then
return 0
# Remove broken symlink
if ! rm -f "${tgt}"; then
eerror "Removing '${tgt}' failed!"
return 1
# symlink the correct path
if ! ln -snf "${src}" "${tgt}"; then
eerror "Symlinking '${src}' to '${tgt}' failed!"
return 1
return 0
cuda_check() {
local libsource="/opt/cuda/@libdir@/"
local libtarget="${RUNTIMEDIR}/"
fix_lib_symlinks "${libsource}" "${libtarget}" || return 1
return 0
opencl_check() {
local libsource="/usr/@libdir@/"
local libtarget="${RUNTIMEDIR}/"
fix_lib_symlinks "${libsource}" "${libtarget}" || return 1
return 0
env_check() {
# Make sure the configuration is sane
: ${USER:="boinc"}
: ${GROUP:="boinc"}
: ${RUNTIMEDIR:="/var/lib/boinc"}
: ${BOINCBIN:="$(which boinc_client)"}
: ${BOINC_PIDFILE:="/var/run/"}
: ${BOINCCMD:="$(which /usr/bin/boinccmd)"}
: ${ALLOW_REMOTE_RPC:="yes"}
: ${NICELEVEL:="19"}
# ARGS is not checked, it could have been explicitly set
# to be empty by the user.
# If the client was not found (how?) something is seriously wrong
if [ ! -x "${BOINCBIN}" ]; then
eerror "No boinc_client found!"
return 1
# The boinccmd is crucial, or we can not attach, suspend or resume
# the boinc client
if [ ! -x "${BOINCCMD}" ]; then
eerror "No boinccmd program found!"
return 1
return 0
start_pre() {
env_check || return 1
create_work_directory || return 1
cuda_check || einfo "CUDA not supported"
opencl_check || einfo "OpenCL not supported"
if [ ! -f "${RUNTIMEDIR}/lockfile" ]; then
einfo "File \"${RUNTIMEDIR}/lockfile\" does not exist, assuming first run."
einfo "You need to setup an account on the BOINC project homepage beforehand!"
einfo "Go to and locate your project."
einfo "Then either run ${RC_SERVICE} attach or connect with a gui client"
einfo "and attach to a project with that."
einfo ""
ewarn "Note that for attaching to some project you need your network up and running."
ewarn "network is needed only for jobs fetching afterwards"
return 0
start() {
if [ "${ALLOW_REMOTE_RPC}" = "yes" ]; then
ARGS="${ARGS} --allow_remote_gui_rpc"
ARGS="${ARGS} --dir "${RUNTIMEDIR}" --redirectio"
ebegin "Starting ${RC_SVCNAME}"
start-stop-daemon --start --nicelevel ${NICELEVEL} \
--user "${USER}:${GROUP}" --quiet --make-pidfile \
--pidfile "${BOINC_PIDFILE}" --background \
--exec "${BOINCBIN}" -- ${ARGS}
eend $?
attach() {
local url=""
local key=""
env_check || return 1
einfo "If you can't find your account key just try to obtain it by using:"
einfo " boinccmd --passwd PASSWORD_FROM_GUI_RPC_AUTH --lookup_account URL EMAIL PASSWORD"
printf " Enter the Project URL: "
read url
printf " Enter your Account Key: "
read key
if ! service_started; then
"${RC_SERVICE}" start
ebegin "${RC_SVCNAME}: Attaching to project"
start-stop-daemon --user "${USER}:${GROUP}" --quiet \
--chdir "${RUNTIMEDIR}" --exec "${BOINCCMD}" \
-- --project_attach ${url} ${key}
eend $?
sleep 10
tail "${RUNTIMEDIR}/stdoutdae.txt"
stop() {
local stop_timeout="SIGTERM/60/SIGTERM/30/SIGKILL/30"
env_check || return 1
ebegin "Stopping ${RC_SVCNAME}"
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --progress \
--retry ${stop_timeout} \
--pidfile "${BOINC_PIDFILE}"
eend $?
resume() {
env_check || return 1
for url in $(cd "${RUNTIMEDIR}" ; \
"${BOINCCMD}" --get_project_status | \
sed -n 's/\s*master URL: //p'); do
ebegin "Resuming ${url}"
start-stop-daemon --user "${USER}:${GROUP}" --quiet \
--chdir "${RUNTIMEDIR}" --exec "${BOINCCMD}" \
-- --project ${url} resume
eend $?
suspend() {
env_check || return 1
for url in $(cd "${RUNTIMEDIR}" ; \
"${BOINCCMD}" --get_project_status | \
sed -n 's/\s*master URL: //p'); do
ebegin "Suspending ${url}"
start-stop-daemon --user "${USER}:${GROUP}" --quiet \
--chdir "${RUNTIMEDIR}" --exec "${BOINCCMD}" \
-- --project ${url} suspend
eend $?