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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
<maintainer restrict="&gt;=net-fs/netatalk-2.2.1-r1">
<flag name="appletalk">
Build support for Apple's AppleTalk (DDP) protocol and its
utilities (atalkd, timelord, papd).
<flag name="cups">
Add support for <pkg>net-print/cups</pkg> printers in papd. This
flag is only considered if appletalk USE flag is enabled, and is
otherwise ignored.
<flag name="pgp">
Add support pgp authentication module
<flag name="pgp">
Add support pgp authentication module
<flag name="quota">
Add support for user quota on various filesystems.
<flag name="shadow">
Add shadow support
<flag name="tracker">
Add support for spotlight like tracker
<flag name="utils">
Install afpstats script
<flag name="ssl">
Use <pkg>dev-libs/openssl</pkg> to provide DHX User Access
Modules. These are not used with most recent versions of OS X
and can be kept disabled without risks.