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38 lines
963 B

# /etc/conf.d/vdr.osdteletext
# ################################################
# for minimal activity on your Harddisc
# store the vtx files in a temp filesystem
# allowed values: yes no
# default: yes
# ######### Expert Functions ###################
# set the size of the videotext store
# (when using TMPFS this is taken from RAM)
# allowed values: size in megabyte
# default: 20 # used 20 Mb for videotext
# set the dir of the tmpfs
# allowed values: directory names
# default: /var/cache/vdr/osdteletext
# store top text pages at cache. (unviewable pages)
# allowed values: yes no
# default: no
# ######## NOTE! ################################
# User with an old install have an entry like
# tmpfs /vtx tmpfs size=20M 0 0
# in the /etc/fstab
# you can remove the entry, not needed anymore.