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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
GtkSourceView syntax highlight for Gentoo-specific files
Originally written for gtksourceview-1.x by:
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006.
Rewritten for gtksourceview-2 by:
Rene 'Necoro' Neumann <>, 2007
Distributed under the same license(s) as gtksourceview.
- do not highlight "enable" in the configure options
- perhaps highlight portage variables and portage functions different
<language name="gentoo" id="gentoo" version="2.0" _section="Scripts">
<property name="globs">*.ebuild;*.eclass</property>
<property name="line-comment-start">#</property>
<style id="variable" _name="Portage variables" map-to="def:builtin" />
<style id="command" _name="Portage command" map-to="def:type" />
<style id="function" _name="Portage function" map-to="def:function" />
<style id="string" _name="String" map-to="def:string" />
<!-- rewrite shell string to show highlighted variables -->
<context id="string" style-ref="def:string">
<context ref="def:escape"/>
<context ref="def:line-continue"/>
<context ref="sh:variable"/>
<context id="string-2" style-ref="def:string">
<context ref="def:escape"/>
<context ref="def:line-continue"/>
<context ref="sh:variable"/>
<!-- subprograms:
- $(..) is not supported currently in the normal sh.lang
- `...` is interpreted as string - I think the subshell behavior is more acurate -->
<context id="subprogram">
<context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="sh:keyword"/>
<context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="sh:keyword"/>
<context ref="gentoo"/>
<context id="subprogram-2">
<context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="sh:keyword"/>
<context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="sh:keyword"/>
<context ref="gentoo"/>
<!-- portage variables - currently unused -->
<context id="portvars" style-ref="variable">
<!-- portage functions - currently unused -->
<context id="portfuncs" style-ref="function">
<!-- extra portage commands -->
<context id="portcmds" style-ref="command">
<context id="built-in-command">
<include> <!-- do not include "sh:built-in-command" as it is replaced down there - which would lead to an endless loop -->
<context ref="sh:reserved-word" />
<context ref="sh:let-command" />
<context ref="portcmds" />
<!-- gentoo is just a shell with the replacements -->
<replace id="sh:built-in-command" ref="built-in-command" />
<replace id="sh:backtick-subshell" ref="subprogram-2" />
<context id="gentoo">
<context ref="subprogram"/>
<context ref="sh:sh"/>