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# Config file for /etc/init.d/suricata*
# Where config files are stored. Default:
# SURICATA_DIR="/etc/suricata"
# Pass options to each suricata service.
# You can launch more than one service at the same time with different options.
# This can be useful in a multi-queue gateway, for example.
# You can expand on the Suricata inline example found at:
# Instead of configuring iptables to send traffic to just one queue, you can configure it to "load balance"
# on several queues. You can then have a Suricata instance processing traffic for each queue.
# This should help improve performance on the gateway/firewall.
# Suppose you configured iptables to use queues 0 and 1 named q0 and q1. You can now do the following:
# ln -s /etc/init.d/suricata /etc/init.d/suricata.q0
# ln -s /etc/init.d/suricata /etc/init.d/suricata.q1
# cp /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml /etc/suricata/suricata-q0.yaml
# cp /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml /etc/suricata/suricata-q1.yaml
# Edit both suricata-q{0,1}.yaml files and set values accordingly.
# You can override these yaml config file names with SURICATA_CONF* below (optional).
# This allows you to use the same yaml config file for multiple instances as long as you override
# sensible options such as the log file paths.
# SURICATA_CONF_q0="suricata-queues.yaml"
# SURICATA_CONF_q1="suricata-queues.yaml"
# SURICATA_CONF="suricata.yaml"
# You can define the options here:
# NB: avoid using -l, -c, --user, --group and setting logging.outputs.1.file.filename as the init script will try to set them for you.
# SURICATA_OPTS_q0="-q 0"
# SURICATA_OPTS_q1="-q 1"
# If you want to use ${SURICATA_DIR}/suricata.yaml and start the service with /etc/init.d/suricata
# then you can set:
# Log paths listed here will be created by the init script and will override the log path
# set in the yaml file, if present.
# SURICATA_LOG_FILE_q0="/var/log/suricata/q0/suricata.log"
# SURICATA_LOG_FILE_q1="/var/log/suricata/q1/suricata.log"
# SURICATA_LOG_FILE="/var/log/suricata/suricata.log"
# Run as user/group.
# Do not define if you want to run as root or as the user defined in the yaml config file (run-as).
# The ebuild should have created the dedicated user/group suricata:suricata for you to specify here below.
# SURICATA_USER_q0="suricata"
# SURICATA_GROUP_q0="suricata"
# SURICATA_USER_q1="suricata"
# SURICATA_GROUP_q1="suricata"
# SURICATA_USER="suricata"
# SURICATA_GROUP="suricata"
# Suricata processes can take a long time to shut down.
# If necessary, adjust timeout in seconds to be used when calling stop from the init script.
# Examples: