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module Tests.Unit
( runTests
) where
import System.Directory
import Test.HUnit
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Certificate.X509
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
-- FIXME : make unit tests portable to run on osX and windows
import System.Certificate.X509
import Data.CertificateStore
checkCert (X509 c mraw rawCert sigalg sigbits) = do
let errs =
(checkSigAlg $ certSignatureAlg c) ++
(checkPubKey $ certPubKey c) ++
(checkExtensions $ certExtensions c) ++
(checkBodyRaw rawCert mraw)
when (errs /= []) $ do
putStrLn ("error decoding")
mapM_ (putStrLn . (" " ++)) errs
checkExtensions ext = []
checkSigAlg (SignatureALG_Unknown oid) = ["unknown signature algorithm " ++ show oid]
checkSigAlg _ = []
checkPubKey (PubKeyUnknown oid _) = ["unknown public key alg " ++ show (certPubKey c)]
checkPubKey _ = []
checkBodyRaw (Just x) (Just y) = if findsubstring y x then [] else ["cannot find body cert in original raw file"]
checkBodyRaw _ _ = []
findsubstring a b
| L.null b = False
| a `L.isPrefixOf` b = True
| otherwise = findsubstring a (L.drop 1 b)
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = getSystemCertificateStore >>= mapM_ checkCert . listCertificates