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# ChangeLog for sys-block/hpacucli
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-block/hpacucli/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2013/12/23 16:00:22 pacho Exp $
23 Dec 2013; Pacho Ramos <> metadata.xml:
Cleanup due bug #66351
*hpacucli- (01 Dec 2012)
01 Dec 2012; Diego E. Pettenò <> +files/hpacucli-wrapper,
+hpacucli-, -files/hpacucli, -files/hpacucli-setarch,
-hpacucli-8.10.2.ebuild, -hpacucli-,
-hpacucli-, -hpacucli-, metadata.xml:
Version bump (thanks to Oleg Gawriloff and Robert Varga in bug #420115); drop
wrong hardened USE flag (bug #376805); rewrite wrapper to support
hpacuscripting as well; remove call to ldconfig; don't add the install path to
either user or root path.
15 May 2012; Lance Albertson <> hpacucli-
Version RDEPEND and add util-linux dep with correct version
*hpacucli- (13 May 2012)
13 May 2012; Lance Albertson <> +hpacucli-,
Version bump; Use setarch to workaround >-3.x kernels
*hpacucli- (02 Jul 2011)
02 Jul 2011; Christian Ruppert <> +hpacucli-
Version bump, bug 373373. Some QA fixes. Disable mprotect for hardened
*hpacucli- (30 May 2011)
30 May 2011; Lance Albertson <> +hpacucli-,
Version bump (resolves #316105), add myself as a maintainer
*hpacucli-8.10.2 (03 Nov 2008)
03 Nov 2008; Wolfram Schlich <> +files/hpacucli,
+metadata.xml, +hpacucli-8.10.2.ebuild:
initial import