
292 lines
9.8 KiB

# Base eclass for Java packages that needs to be OSGi compliant
# Copyright (c) 2007, Jean-Noël Rivasseau <>
# Copyright (c) 2007-2011, Gentoo Foundation
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/java-osgi.eclass,v 1.7 2011/12/27 17:55:12 fauli Exp $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @eclass-begin
# @eclass-shortdesc Java OSGi eclass
# @eclass-maintainer
# This eclass provides functionality which is used by
# packages that need to be OSGi compliant. This means
# that the generated jars will have special headers in their manifests.
# Currently this is used only by Eclipse-3.3 - later
# we could extend this so that Gentoo Java system would be
# fully OSGi compliant.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inherit java-utils-2
# We define _OSGI_T so that it does not contain a slash at the end.
# According to Paludis guys, there is currently a proposal for EAPIs that
# would require all variables to end with a slash.
# must get Diego to commit something like this to portability.eclass
_canonicalise() {
if type -p realpath > /dev/null; then
realpath "${@}"
elif type -p readlink > /dev/null; then
readlink -f "${@}"
# can't die, subshell
eerror "No readlink nor realpath found, cannot canonicalise"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ebuild-function _java-osgi_plugin
# This is an internal function, not to be called directly.
# @example
# _java-osgi_plugin "JSch"
# @param $1 - bundle name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_java-osgi_plugin() {
# We hardcode Gentoo as the vendor name
cat > "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar/" <<-EOF
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ebuild-function _java-osgi_makejar
# This is an internal function, not to be called directly.
# @example
# _java-osgi_makejar "dist/${PN}.jar" "com.jcraft.jsch" "JSch" "com.jcraft.jsch, com.jcraft.jsch.jce;x-internal:=true"
# @param $1 - name of jar to repackage with OSGi
# @param $2 - bundle symbolic name
# @param $3 - bundle name
# @param $4 - export-package header
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_java-osgi_makejar() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
(( ${#} < 4 )) && die "Four arguments are needed for _java-osgi_makejar()"
local absoluteJarPath="$(_canonicalise ${1})"
local jarName="$(basename ${1})"
mkdir "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar" || die "Unable to create directory ${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar"
[[ -d "${_OSGI_T}/osgi" ]] || mkdir "${_OSGI_T}/osgi" || die "Unable to create directory ${_OSGI_T}/osgi"
cd "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar" && jar xf "${absoluteJarPath}" && cd - > /dev/null \
|| die "Unable to uncompress correctly the original jar"
cat > "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" <<-EOF
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: %bundleName
Bundle-Vendor: %vendorName
Bundle-Localization: plugin
Bundle-SymbolicName: ${2}
Bundle-Version: ${PV}
Export-Package: ${4}
_java-osgi_plugin "${3}"
jar cfm "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}" "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" \
-C "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar/" . > /dev/null || die "Unable to recreate the OSGi compliant jar"
rm -rf "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ebuild-function java-osgi_dojar
# Rewrites a jar, and produce an OSGi compliant jar from arguments given on the command line.
# The arguments given correspond to the minimal set of headers
# that must be present on a Manifest file of an OSGi package.
# If you need more headers, you should use the *-fromfile functions below,
# that create the Manifest from a file.
# It will call java-pkg_dojar at the end.
# @example
# java-osgi_dojar "dist/${PN}.jar" "com.jcraft.jsch" "JSch" "com.jcraft.jsch, com.jcraft.jsch.jce;x-internal:=true"
# @param $1 - name of jar to repackage with OSGi
# @param $2 - bundle symbolic name
# @param $3 - bundle name
# @param $4 - export-package-header
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
java-osgi_dojar() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
local jarName="$(basename ${1})"
_java-osgi_makejar "$@"
java-pkg_dojar "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ebuild-function java-osgi_newjar
# Rewrites a jar, and produce an OSGi compliant jar.
# The arguments given correspond to the minimal set of headers
# that must be present on a Manifest file of an OSGi package.
# If you need more headers, you should use the *-fromfile functions below,
# that create the Manifest from a file.
# It will call java-pkg_newjar at the end.
# @example
# java-osgi_newjar "dist/${PN}.jar" "com.jcraft.jsch" "JSch" "com.jcraft.jsch, com.jcraft.jsch.jce;x-internal:=true"
# @param $1 - name of jar to repackage with OSGi
# @param $2 (optional) - name of the target jar. It will default to package name if not specified.
# @param $3 - bundle symbolic name
# @param $4 - bundle name
# @param $5 - export-package header
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
java-osgi_newjar() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
local jarName="$(basename $1)"
if (( ${#} > 4 )); then
_java-osgi_makejar "${1}" "${3}" "${4}" "${5}"
java-pkg_newjar "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}" "${2}"
_java-osgi_makejar "$@"
java-pkg_newjar "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ebuild-function _java-osgi_makejar-fromfile
# This is an internal function, not to be called directly.
# @example
# _java-osgi_makejar-fromfile "dist/${PN}.jar" "${FILESDIR}/MANIFEST.MF" "JSch" 1
# @param $1 - name of jar to repackage with OSGi
# @param $2 - path to the Manifest file
# @param $3 - bundle name
# @param $4 - automatic version rewriting (0 or 1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_java-osgi_makejar-fromfile() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
((${#} < 4)) && die "Four arguments are needed for _java-osgi_makejar-fromfile()"
local absoluteJarPath="$(_canonicalise ${1})"
local jarName="$(basename ${1})"
mkdir "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar" || die "Unable to create directory ${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar"
[[ -d "${_OSGI_T}/osgi" ]] || mkdir "${_OSGI_T}/osgi" || die "Unable to create directory ${_OSGI_T}/osgi"
cd "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar" && jar xf "${absoluteJarPath}" && cd - > /dev/null \
|| die "Unable to uncompress correctly the original jar"
[[ -e "${2}" ]] || die "Manifest file ${2} not found"
# We automatically change the version if automatic version rewriting is on
if (( ${4} )); then
cat "${2}" | sed "s/Bundle-Version:.*/Bundle-Version: ${PV}/" > \
cat "${2}" > "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
_java-osgi_plugin "${3}"
jar cfm "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}" "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" \
-C "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar/" . > /dev/null || die "Unable to recreate the OSGi compliant jar"
rm -rf "${_OSGI_T}/tmp_jar"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ebuild-function java-osgi_newjar-fromfile()
# This function produces an OSGi compliant jar from a given manifest file.
# The Manifest Bundle-Version header will be replaced by the current version
# of the package, unless the --no-auto-version option is given.
# It will call java-pkg_newjar at the end.
# @example
# java-osgi_newjar-fromfile "dist/${PN}.jar" "${FILESDIR}/MANIFEST.MF" "Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK 2.0"
# @param $opt
# --no-auto-version - This option disables automatic rewriting of the
# version in the Manifest file#
# @param $1 - name of jar to repackage with OSGi
# @param $2 (optional) - name of the target jar. It will default to package name if not specified.
# @param $3 - path to the Manifest file
# @param $4 - bundle name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
java-osgi_newjar-fromfile() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
local versionRewriting=1
if [[ "${1}" == "--no-auto-version" ]]; then
local jarName="$(basename ${1})"
if (( ${#} > 3 )); then
_java-osgi_makejar-fromfile "${1}" "${3}" "${4}" "${versionRewriting}"
java-pkg_newjar "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}" "${2}"
_java-osgi_makejar-fromfile "$@" "${versionRewriting}"
java-pkg_newjar "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ebuild-function java-osgi_dojar-fromfile()
# This function produces an OSGi compliant jar from a given manifestfile.
# The Manifest Bundle-Version header will be replaced by the current version
# of the package, unless the --no-auto-version option is given.
# It will call java-pkg_dojar at the end.
# @example
# java-osgi_dojar-fromfile "dist/${PN}.jar" "${FILESDIR}/MANIFEST.MF" "Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK 2.0"
# @param $opt
# --no-auto-version - This option disables automatic rewriting of the
# version in the Manifest file
# @param $1 - name of jar to repackage with OSGi
# @param $2 - path to the Manifest file
# @param $3 - bundle name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
java-osgi_dojar-fromfile() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
local versionRewriting=1
if [[ "${1}" == "--no-auto-version" ]]; then
local jarName="$(basename ${1})"
_java-osgi_makejar-fromfile "$@" "${versionRewriting}"
java-pkg_dojar "${_OSGI_T}/osgi/${jarName}"