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# ChangeLog for dev-python/pyconstruct
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/pyconstruct/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2015/02/01 21:27:14 mrueg Exp $
01 Feb 2015; Manuel Rüger <>
-files/pyconstruct-2.5.0-fixpy3.patch, -pyconstruct-2.5.1.ebuild:
Remove old.
*pyconstruct-2.5.2 (15 May 2014)
15 May 2014; Ian Delaney <> +pyconstruct-2.5.2.ebuild,
-pyconstruct-2.0.0.ebuild, -pyconstruct-2.04.ebuild, -pyconstruct-2.06.ebuild,
-pyconstruct-2.5.0-r1.ebuild, -pyconstruct-2.5.0.ebuild:
bump; drop py2.6 add py3 pypy support, rm old
*pyconstruct-2.5.1 (22 May 2013)
22 May 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +pyconstruct-2.5.1.ebuild:
*pyconstruct-2.5.0-r1 (24 Jan 2013)
24 Jan 2013; Ian Delaney <>
+files/pyconstruct-2.5.0-fixpy3.patch, +pyconstruct-2.5.0-r1.ebuild,
revbump; drop all refs to doc subsequent to 0.2.5 absent of docs folder, fixes
Bug #453552, add support to py3 subsequent to upstream issues/15 @github,
yielding a patch 63b966c, resulting in pyconstruct-2.5.0-fixpy3.patch
*pyconstruct-2.5.0 (22 Jan 2013)
22 Jan 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +pyconstruct-2.5.0.ebuild:
06 Jan 2012; Markos Chandras <> pyconstruct-2.06.ebuild:
Fix dependencies. Set PYTHON_MODNAME and use distutils_pkg_postinst() and
distutils_pkg_postrm(). Patch by Arfrever.
*pyconstruct-2.06 (25 Dec 2011)
25 Dec 2011; Patrick Lauer <> +pyconstruct-2.06.ebuild:
Bump for #393609
*pyconstruct-2.04 (16 Sep 2011)
16 Sep 2011; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +pyconstruct-2.04.ebuild:
Version bump to 2.04 (fixes bug 383059, thanks jbergstroem).
08 Jun 2010; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
*pyconstruct-2.0.0 (03 Feb 2009)
03 Feb 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +metadata.xml,
Initial import. Ebuild by Thomas R. (TRauMa). Closes #161853.