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# ChangeLog for net-libs/h323plus
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-libs/h323plus/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2014/07/27 16:04:33 zerochaos Exp $
27 Jul 2014; Rick Farina <> h323plus-1.25.0-r1.ebuild:
adding ~arm
15 May 2014; Ulrich Müller <> h323plus-1.25.0-r1.ebuild,
Rename "audio" USE flag to "sound", bug 357661.
27 Oct 2013; Pacho Ramos <> metadata.xml:
Voip herd is removed:
*h323plus-1.25.0-r1 (06 Mar 2013)
06 Mar 2013; Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>
+h323plus-1.25.0-r1.ebuild, -h323plus-1.25.0.ebuild:
Fix openh323 makefile patching, drop hppa keyword due to ptlib.
06 Mar 2013; Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>
Fix dependency on ptlib, bug #460458.
05 Mar 2013; Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>
+files/h323plus-1.25.0-ptlib-2.10.10.patch, h323plus-1.25.0.ebuild:
Add patch for ptlib-2.10.10 compatibility.
*h323plus-1.25.0 (22 Feb 2013)
22 Feb 2013; Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>
+files/h323plus-1.25.0-ptrace-param.patch, +h323plus-1.25.0.ebuild,
Initial commit, bug #290106.