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# ChangeLog for x11-misc/wmakerconf
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-misc/wmakerconf/ChangeLog,v 1.43 2014/08/10 20:04:39 slyfox Exp $
10 Aug 2014; Sergei Trofimovich <> wmakerconf-2.12-r1.ebuild,
QA: drop trailing '.' from DESCRIPTION
05 May 2012; Jeff Horelick <> wmakerconf-2.12.ebuild,
dev-util/pkgconfig -> virtual/pkgconfig
14 Feb 2012; Bernard Cafarelli <>
wmakerconf-2.12-r1.ebuild, files/wmakerconf-2.12-wmaker-0.95_support.patch:
Drop function rename (fixed in official WindowMaker)
14 Feb 2012; Bernard Cafarelli <> wmakerconf-2.12.ebuild,
Fix deps on wget and its alternatives
*wmakerconf-2.12-r1 (10 Feb 2012)
10 Feb 2012; Bernard Cafarelli <> wmakerconf-2.12.ebuild,
+wmakerconf-2.12-r1.ebuild, +files/wmakerconf-2.12-wmaker-0.95_support.patch:
Support new windowmaker (small API update and function name collision)
22 Mar 2011; Jonathan Callen <> wmakerconf-2.12.ebuild:
Bump to EAPI=3, merge prefix changes, add ~x86-linux/~amd64-linux
13 Jan 2011; Kacper Kowalik <>
mark ~ppc64 wrt #330525
24 Aug 2010; Christian Faulhammer <>
stable x86, bug 330525
20 Aug 2010; Markos Chandras <> wmakerconf-2.12.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #330525
*wmakerconf-2.12 (06 Jun 2010)
06 Jun 2010; Samuli Suominen <>
Version bump wrt #237199 by Dustin Polke.
06 May 2008; Samuli Suominen <> wmakerconf-2.11.ebuild:
Move pkgconfig to DEPEND wrt #217278.
21 Feb 2007; Markus Ullmann <> ChangeLog:
Redigest for Manifest2
11 Oct 2006; Krzysiek Pawlik <> wmakerconf-2.11.ebuild:
Add missing dev-util/pkgconfig to DEPEND, see bug #150817.
21 Jan 2006; Krzysiek Pawlik <>
-wmakerconf-2.8.1-r2.ebuild, -wmakerconf-2.9.2.ebuild:
Removed old version.
24 Dec 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
Stable on ppc.
06 Dec 2005; Luis Medinas <> wmakerconf-2.11.ebuild:
Stable on amd64. Bug #114363.
06 Dec 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
Stable on sparc
03 Dec 2005; Krzysiek Pawlik <> wmakerconf-2.11.ebuild:
Stable on x86 (bug 114363).
03 Nov 2005; Krzysiek Pawlik <>
wmakerconf-2.8.1-r2.ebuild, wmakerconf-2.9.2.ebuild,
Fixed dodoc not to install COPYING and/or INSTALL.
07 Aug 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
Stable on ppc.
27 Jul 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
Stable on sparc
11 Jul 2005; Jason Wever <> wmakerconf-2.11.ebuild:
Added ~sparc keyword.
22 Jun 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
To ~sparc
20 Jun 2005; Jonathan Smith <> metadata.xml,
-wmakerconf-2.9.ebuild, wmakerconf-2.9.2.ebuild:
2.9.2 stable x86;metadata update
05 Jun 2005; Markus Nigbur <> wmakerconf-2.9.2.ebuild:
Removed homepage commment as it is up again and the x11-wm/windowmaker-0.9*
block. Added ~x86 to keywords.
21 May 2005; Simon Stelling <> wmakerconf-2.11.ebuild:
added ~amd64 keyword
*wmakerconf-2.11 (18 Mar 2005)
18 Mar 2005; Armando Di Cianno <>
wmakerconf finally updated to support windowmaker-0.9X series
26 Feb 2005; Simon Stelling <> wmakerconf-2.9.2.ebuild:
added ~amd64
05 Dec 2004; Armando Di Cianno <>
wmakerconf-2.8.1-r2.ebuild, wmakerconf-2.9.ebuild:
wmakerconf is not compatible with windowmaker-0.9X series; forgot to add
blockers for the older ebuilds.
14 Nov 2004; Armando Di Cianno <> wmakerconf-2.9.2.ebuild:
fixes related to bug 70552
*wmakerconf-2.9.2 (29 Oct 2004)
29 Oct 2004; Armando Di Cianno <> +wmakerconf-2.9.2.ebuild:
Version bump; this package does not work too nicely with windowmaker-0.90.0
yet; keyworded for ~ppc
06 Jul 2004; Danny van Dyk <>
Marked ~amd64.
20 Jun 2004; Ian Leitch <> wmakerconf-2.8.1-r2.ebuild:
No need to set S
16 Aug 2003; Nick Hadaway <> wmakerconf-2.9.ebuild:
Marked -* for all arches as it does not work. Possibly due to the
non-usability of libwmfun currently.
06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees <> : changed sparc ~sparc keywords
*wmakerconf-2.9 (16 Jul 2002)
16 Jul 2002; Nick Hadaway <>
wmakerconf-2.9.ebuild, files/digest-wmakerconf-2.9 :
Updated to latest version. We don't have libwmfun support yet.
*wmakerconf-2.8.1-r2 (19 Jun 2002)
19 Jun 2002; Seemant Kulleen <>
wmakerconf-2.8.1-r2.ebuild files/digest-wmakerconf-2.8.1-r2 :
Fixed bug #3909 by (Udo Mu"ller) to make the Gnome1 DEPEND
listing a little cleaner.
1 Apr 2002; Seemant Kulleen <> wmakerconf-2.8.1-r1.ebuild :
Fixed sandbox violations and corrected the dependencies and USE dependent