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# See 'man mod_auth_tkt' for details on the individual directives.
<IfDefine AUTH_TKT>
LoadModule auth_tkt_module modules/
# Shared secret - CHANGE THIS before using!
TKTAuthSecret "672c158d-67b8-42e4-aec7-f1e1abb882bb"
# Used by sample CGI scripts to locate this config file
SetEnv MOD_AUTH_TKT_CONF "/etc/apache2/modules.d/10_mod_auth_tkt.conf"
# Protected directory example
#<Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs>
# AuthType Basic
# require valid-user
# TKTAuthLoginURL
# # If an internet server, you probably want the following on (at least initially)
# TKTAuthIgnoreIP on
# # If you just want *optional* authentication, so that casual users and robots
# # can still access some content, uncomment the following
# # TKTAuthGuestLogin on
# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache