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<IfDefine PYTHON>
LoadModule python_module modules/
# Mod_python is a module that embeds the Python language interpreter
# within the server, allowing Apache handlers to be written in Python.
# This will cause files beneath /home/httpd/htdocs with the extension .spam
# to be handled by the Python script /home/httpd/htdocs/
#<Directory /home/httpd/htdocs>
# AddHandler python-program .spam
# PythonHandler eggs
# This will cause all requests to the /python heirachy of your
# webserver to be handled by the python script /path/to/
#<Location /python>
# SetHandler python-program
# PythonPath "sys.path + ['/path/to']"
# PythonHandler myhandler
# This will cause all requests to the /python heirachy of your
# webserver to be handled by mod_python's Publisher handler
#<Location /python>
# SetHandler python-program
# PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache