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Since ES 8.0.0 upstream stopped distributing a 'no-JDK' package.
This requires us to set `ES_JAVA_HOME` else it fails to find the
JDK that we unbundled and will not start.
--- a/bin/elasticsearch-env
+++ b/bin/elasticsearch-env
@@ -36,6 +36,18 @@ ES_HOME=`dirname "$ES_HOME"`
+# Set our JVM in a Gentoo-specific manner
+if [ -z "$ES_JAVA_HOME" ]; then
+ GENTOO_VM=$(depend-java-query --get-vm virtual/jre:17)
+ if [ ! -z "$GENTOO_VM" ]; then
+ ES_JAVA_HOME=$(java-config-2 --select-vm=${GENTOO_VM} --jre-home)
+ else
+ echo "Unable to automatically detect a supported Java 17 VM. Elasticsearch is unlikely to launch."
+ echo "Please ensure that you have installed an appropriate Java VM using portage"
+ echo "OR pass the ES_JAVA_HOME environment variable."
+ fi
# now set the path to java
if [ ! -z "$ES_JAVA_HOME" ]; then