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# ChangeLog for net-misc/xrdp
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/xrdp/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2015/02/19 16:58:37 mgorny Exp $
*xrdp-0.8.0-r1 (19 Feb 2015)
19 Feb 2015; Michał Górny <>
+files/xrdp-0.8.0-crypt-null-return.patch, +xrdp-0.8.0-r1.ebuild,
-xrdp-0.6.1.ebuild, -xrdp-0.8.0.ebuild:
Patch out crypt() NULL return check vulnerability, bug #540630. Remove old.
27 Oct 2014; Michał Górny <> xrdp-0.6.1.ebuild,
Add missing DEPEND, and RDEPEND on backend providers.
23 Oct 2014; Michał Górny <> xrdp-0.6.1.ebuild,
Warn about use of bundled rsakeys.ini, in case someone installed xrdp manually
or using a bad ebuild before.
23 Oct 2014; Michał Górny <> files/xrdp-initd,
xrdp-0.6.1.ebuild, xrdp-0.8.0.ebuild:
Fix install paths in init.d. Set proper --localstatedir. Both reported by Jan
*xrdp-0.8.0 (23 Oct 2014)
*xrdp-0.6.1 (23 Oct 2014)
23 Oct 2014; Michał Górny <> +files/,
+files/xrdp-initd, +files/xrdp-sesman.pamd, +metadata.xml, +xrdp-0.6.1.ebuild,
Initial commit of net-misc/xrdp, bug #352363.