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# The default setup is for the first node of an insecure cluster that only
# listens on localhost.
# Please read the cockroach manual at the following url and configure
# this file correctly if you plan to use cockroach in production.
#For more information about what the arguments mean, run
#"cockroach start --help" or "cockroach quit --help".
#These values are passed to the appropriate arguments when starting or
#stopping the cockroach database.
#Leaving these commented accepts the cockroach defaults with the
#exceptions of host, http_host, insecure and log_path.
#The default for host and http_host is localhost instead of the catch-all
#address. If you want to use the catch-all address for either of these,
#please use
# "all" for the setting. #
# The default for insecure is yes which passes the --insecure argument to
# cockroach. If you want a secure connection, set insecure=no and set
# certs_path to the location of your certificates.
#log_path defaults to /var/log/${RC_SVCNAME}.
# extra arguments to use when starting the database
# start_args=""
# extra arguments to use when stopping the database
# stop_args=""