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# ls *.cpp
#3dobject-ase.cpp construction.cpp maps.cpp netherdebug.cpp radar.cpp
#3dobject.cpp enemy_ai.cpp menu.cpp nethersave.cpp robot_ai.cpp
#bitmap.cpp glprintf.cpp myglutaux.cpp particles.cpp robots.cpp
#bullet.cpp main.cpp nether.cpp piece3dobject.cpp shadow3dobject.cpp
#cmc.cpp mainmenu.cpp nethercycle.cpp quaternion.cpp vector.cpp
SOURCES = 3dobject-ase.cpp 3dobject.cpp cmc.cpp nether.cpp piece3dobject.cpp vector.cpp bitmap.cpp bullet.cpp glprintf.cpp main.cpp mainmenu.cpp maps.cpp menu.cpp myglutaux.cpp nethercycle.cpp netherdebug.cpp nethersave.cpp particles.cpp construction.cpp quaternion.cpp radar.cpp enemy_ai.cpp robot_ai.cpp robots.cpp shadow3dobject.cpp
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
TARGET = nether_earth
g++ ${CXXFLAGS} -c $< -o $@
all: $(TARGET)
g++ $(OBJECTS) -o $(TARGET) -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lSDL -lSDL_mixer -lpthread