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# /etc/conf.d/vdr.graphtft
####### Global config for Graphtft ####################
# set the DIR of the Framebuffer Device
# allowed values: device_names directFB none
# default: /dev/fb0
###### Configuration for graphtft-fe ##################
# set GRAPHTFT_DEVICE="" to none
# set your tft display
# no default values
# default: not set, exemple
# switch to user
# default user root ; depand on your x configuration
# set the width of your display
# allowed values:
# default: 800
# set the height of your display
# allowed values:
# default: 480
# run output without windowsframe
# allowed values: yes no
# default: yes
# set the IP to your X Display
# allowed values: ip address
# default: localhost IP
# set the port to your X Display
# allowed values: portnumber
# default: 2039
# set the logevel for graphtft-fe
# allowed values: 0 1 2 3
# default: 0