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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a wrapper to properly execute Vagrant within the embedded
# Vagrant installation directory. This sets up proper environmental variables
# so that everything loads and compiles to proper directories.
VAGRANT_DIR="$( ruby -e 'print Gem::default_path[-1] + "/gems/vagrant-@VAGRANT_VERSION@"' )"
# Export GEM_HOME based on VAGRANT_HOME
# This needs to be set because Bundler includes gem paths
# from RubyGems' Gem.paths.
if [ -z ${VAGRANT_HOME} ]; then
export GEM_HOME="${VAGRANT_HOME}/gems"
# SSL certs
export SSL_CERT_FILE="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
# Export an environmental variable to say we're in a Vagrant
# installer created environment.
# This is currently used only in Vagrant::Plugin::Manager.system_plugins_file
# to locate plugins configuration file.
export VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR="/var/lib/vagrant"
# Export the OS as an environmental variable that Vagrant can access
# so that it can behave better.
export VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS="$(uname -s 2>/dev/null)"
# Export the VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE so that pre-rubygems can optimize a bit
export VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE="${VAGRANT_DIR}/bin/vagrant"
# Call the actual Vagrant bin with our arguments
exec ruby "${VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE}" "$@"