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# /etc/conf.d/vgl
# Make it a function in case we have to repeat it in init script later
set_xauth() {
# common case (works in almost all tested environments (except of lightdm)):
XAUTHORITY="$(ps wwax -C X,Xorg -o args= --sort=-stime | grep -m 1 -o '\B[-]auth\s*/var\S*' | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"
# kdm and some others:
# XAUTHORITY="$(find /var/run/xauth/A${DISPLAY}-*|tail -n1)"
# gdm:
# XAUTHORITY="/var/gdm/${DISPLAY}.Xauth"
# slim:
# XAUTHORITY="/var/run/slim.auth"
# lightdm:
# XAUTHORITY="/var/run/lightdm/root/${DISPLAY}"
# lxdm:
# XAUTHORITY="/var/run/lxdm/lxdm-${DISPLAY}.auth"