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This package provides a higher-level interface over
threads, in which an @Async a@ is a concurrent
thread that will eventually deliver a value of
type @a@. The package provides ways to create
@Async@ computations, wait for their results, and
cancel them.
Using @Async@ is safer than using threads in two
* When waiting for a thread to return a result,
if the thread dies with an exception then the
caller must either re-throw the exception
('wait') or handle it ('waitCatch'); the
exception cannot be ignored.
* The API makes it possible to build a tree of
threads that are automatically killed when
their parent dies (see 'withAsync').
Changes in
* Bump @base@ dependency to allow 4.6
Changes in
* Bump @stm@ dependency to 2.4
Changes in
* Safe Haskell support: @Control.Concurrent.Async@ is now @Trustworthy@
Changes in
* Added a @Functor@ instance for @Async@
* Added @asyncBound@, @asyncOn@, @asyncWithUnmask@, @asyncOnWithUnmask@, @withAsyncBound@, @withAsyncOn@, @withAsyncWithUnmask@, @withAsyncOnWithUnmask@.
* Added @mapConcurrently@
* Added @Concurrently@ (with @Applicative@ and @Alternative@ instances)
<remote-id type="github">simonmar/async</remote-id>