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13 lines
907 B

DEFINED_PHASES=compile install postinst postrm preinst setup unpack
DEPEND=!<net-wireless/linux-wlan-ng-0.2.2 kernel_linux? ( virtual/modutils ) sys-apps/sed kernel_linux? ( virtual/linux-sources )
DESCRIPTION=Kernel modules for Prism2/2.5/3 based 802.11b USB wireless LAN products
IUSE=debug kernel_linux
KEYWORDS=~amd64 ~ppc ~x86
LICENSE=|| ( GPL-2 MPL-1.1 )
RDEPEND=!<net-wireless/linux-wlan-ng-0.2.2 kernel_linux? ( virtual/modutils )
_eclasses_=eutils 2fd401453e32e8c9a676cd0361b82a5f linux-info 0b7adf68a2edb4e5a32b07bb6e68121c linux-mod dbc722ed035721476f23ab7b0572985e multilib c2b85b5c63a44798c1e442147ac14c5c toolchain-funcs 134429b842a6c67254bfd76a8753e4d4 user d0a4d0735a6c0183d707ca919bd72f28 versionator 6601b4c5b3f019a993db59a50e1854e4