You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 lines
711 B

the tool tries to generate binary output, but the current locale might change
what awk generates. force it to C/ASCII to avoid that.
--- a/test/pbmtext.test
+++ b/test/pbmtext.test
@@ -81,12 +81,14 @@ rm ${fontRectangle_txt} ${font_pbm}
# One long row
# Should print 3233136020 4535
awk 'BEGIN { for (i=32; i<=125;++i) printf("%c",i);
for (i=160;i<=255;++i) printf("%c",i); }' | \
pbmtext -builtin bdf | cksum
# One tall column
# Should print 1216262214 5711
awk 'BEGIN { for (i=32; i<=125;++i) printf("%c\n",i);
for (i=160;i<=255;++i) printf("%c\n",i); }' | \
pbmtext -nomargins -builtin bdf | cksum