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16 lines
575 B

--- nsswitch.ldap 2004-06-08 00:34:09.895330016 -0500
+++ nsswitch.ldap-modified 2004-06-08 00:35:21.518441648 -0500
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
passwd: files ldap
group: files ldap
-# consult DNS first, we will need it to resolve the LDAP host. (If we
+# consult files/dns first, we will need it to resolve the LDAP host. (If we
# can't resolve it, we're in infinite recursion, because libldap calls
# gethostbyname(). Careful!)
-hosts: dns ldap
+hosts: files dns ldap
# LDAP is nominally authoritative for the following maps.
services: ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files