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834 lines
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# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# @ECLASS: python-r1.eclass
# Python team <python@gentoo.org>
# Author: Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org>
# Based on work of: Krzysztof Pawlik <nelchael@gentoo.org>
# @BLURB: A common, simple eclass for Python packages.
# A common eclass providing helper functions to build and install
# packages supporting being installed for multiple Python
# implementations.
# This eclass sets correct IUSE. Modification of REQUIRED_USE has to
# be done by the author of the ebuild (but PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE is
# provided for convenience, see below). python-r1 exports PYTHON_DEPS
# and PYTHON_USEDEP so you can create correct dependencies for your
# package easily. It also provides methods to easily run a command for
# each enabled Python implementation and duplicate the sources for them.
# Please note that python-r1 will always inherit python-utils-r1 as
# well. Thus, all the functions defined there can be used
# in the packages using python-r1, and there is no need ever to inherit
# both.
# For more information, please see the wiki:
# https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Python/python-r1
case "${EAPI:-0}" in
die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI:-0} (too old) for ${ECLASS}"
# EAPI=5 is required for sane USE_EXPAND dependencies
die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI} (unknown) for ${ECLASS}"
if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_R1} ]]; then
if [[ ${_PYTHON_SINGLE_R1} ]]; then
die 'python-r1.eclass can not be used with python-single-r1.eclass.'
elif [[ ${_PYTHON_ANY_R1} ]]; then
die 'python-r1.eclass can not be used with python-any-r1.eclass.'
[[ ${EAPI} == [45] ]] && inherit eutils
inherit multibuild python-utils-r1
# This variable contains a list of Python implementations the package
# supports. It must be set before the `inherit' call. It has to be
# an array.
# Example:
# PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_3 python3_4 )
# Please note that you can also use bash brace expansion if you like:
# PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{3,4} )
# This variable can be used when working with ebuilds to override
# the in-ebuild PYTHON_COMPAT. It is a string listing all
# the implementations which package will be built for. It need be
# specified in the calling environment, and not in ebuilds.
# It should be noted that in order to preserve metadata immutability,
# PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE does not affect IUSE nor dependencies.
# The state of PYTHON_TARGETS is ignored, and all the implementations
# in PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE are built. Dependencies need to be satisfied
# manually.
# Example:
# PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE='pypy python3_3' emerge -1v dev-python/foo
# The list of USEflags required to be enabled on the chosen Python
# implementations, formed as a USE-dependency string. It should be valid
# for all implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT, so it may be necessary to
# use USE defaults.
# This should be set before calling `inherit'.
# Example:
# PYTHON_REQ_USE="gdbm,ncurses(-)?"
# It will cause the Python dependencies to look like:
# python_targets_pythonX_Y? ( dev-lang/python:X.Y[gdbm,ncurses(-)?] )
# This is an eclass-generated Python dependency string for all
# implementations listed in PYTHON_COMPAT.
# Example use:
# dev-foo/mydep"
# Example value:
# dev-lang/python-exec:=
# python_targets_python2_7? ( dev-lang/python:2.7[gdbm] )
# python_targets_pypy? ( virtual/pypy[gdbm] )
# This is an eclass-generated USE-dependency string which can be used to
# depend on another Python package being built for the same Python
# implementations.
# The generate USE-flag list is compatible with packages using python-r1
# and python-distutils-ng eclasses. It must not be used on packages
# using python.eclass.
# Example use:
# RDEPEND="dev-python/foo[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
# Example value:
# python_targets_python2_7(-)?,python_targets_python3_4(-)?
# This is an eclass-generated required-use expression which ensures at
# least one Python implementation has been enabled.
# This expression should be utilized in an ebuild by including it in
# REQUIRED_USE, optionally behind a use flag.
# Example use:
# Example value:
# || ( python_targets_python2_7 python_targets_python3_4 )
_python_set_globals() {
local deps i PYTHON_PKG_DEP
for i in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
python_export "${i}" PYTHON_PKG_DEP
deps+="python_targets_${i}? ( ${PYTHON_PKG_DEP} ) "
local flags=( "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]/#/python_targets_}" )
local optflags=${flags[@]/%/(-)?}
# A nice QA trick here. Since a python-single-r1 package has to have
# at least one PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET enabled (REQUIRED_USE),
# the following check will always fail on those packages. Therefore,
# it should prevent developers from mistakenly depending on packages
# not supporting multiple Python implementations.
local flags_st=( "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]/#/-python_single_target_}" )
local requse="|| ( ${flags[*]} )"
local usedep=${optflags// /,}
# 1) well, python-exec would suffice as an RDEP
# but no point in making this overcomplex, BDEP doesn't hurt anyone
# 2) python-exec should be built with all targets forced anyway
# but if new targets were added, we may need to force a rebuild
if [[ ${_PYTHON_WANT_PYTHON_EXEC2} == 0 ]]; then
die "python-exec:0 is no longer supported, please fix your ebuild to work with python-exec:2"
if [[ ${PYTHON_DEPS+1} ]]; then
# IUSE is magical, so we can't really check it
# (but we verify PYTHON_COMPAT already)
if [[ ${PYTHON_DEPS} != "${deps}" ]]; then
eerror "PYTHON_DEPS have changed between inherits (PYTHON_REQ_USE?)!"
eerror "Before: ${PYTHON_DEPS}"
eerror "Now : ${deps}"
die "PYTHON_DEPS integrity check failed"
# these two are formality -- they depend on PYTHON_COMPAT only
if [[ ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} != ${requse} ]]; then
eerror "PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE have changed between inherits!"
eerror "Before: ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE}"
eerror "Now : ${requse}"
die "PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE integrity check failed"
if [[ ${PYTHON_USEDEP} != "${usedep}" ]]; then
eerror "PYTHON_USEDEP have changed between inherits!"
eerror "Before: ${PYTHON_USEDEP}"
eerror "Now : ${usedep}"
die "PYTHON_USEDEP integrity check failed"
unset -f _python_set_globals
if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_R1} ]]; then
# @FUNCTION: _python_validate_useflags
# Enforce the proper setting of PYTHON_TARGETS, if PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE
# is not in effect. If it is, just warn that the flags will be ignored.
_python_validate_useflags() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
if [[ ${PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE} ]]; then
ewarn "WARNING: PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE in effect. The following Python"
ewarn "implementations will be enabled:"
ewarn "Dependencies won't be satisfied, and PYTHON_TARGETS will be ignored."
# we do not use flags with PCO
local i
for i in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
use "python_targets_${i}" && return 0
eerror "No Python implementation selected for the build. Please add one"
eerror "of the following values to your PYTHON_TARGETS (in make.conf):"
eerror "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}"
die "No supported Python implementation in PYTHON_TARGETS."
# @FUNCTION: python_gen_usedep
# @USAGE: <pattern> [...]
# Output a USE dependency string for Python implementations which
# are both in PYTHON_COMPAT and match any of the patterns passed
# as parameters to the function.
# The patterns can be either fnmatch-style patterns (matched via bash
# == operator against PYTHON_COMPAT values) or '-2' / '-3' to indicate
# appropriately all enabled Python 2/3 implementations (alike
# python_is_python3). Remember to escape or quote the fnmatch patterns
# to prevent accidental shell filename expansion.
# When all implementations are requested, please use ${PYTHON_USEDEP}
# instead. Please also remember to set an appropriate REQUIRED_USE
# to avoid ineffective USE flags.
# Example:
# PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_4} )
# DEPEND="doc? ( dev-python/epydoc[$(python_gen_usedep 'python2*')] )"
# It will cause the dependency to look like:
# DEPEND="doc? ( dev-python/epydoc[python_targets_python2_7?] )"
python_gen_usedep() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
local impl matches=()
for impl in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
if _python_impl_matches "${impl}" "${@}"; then
[[ ${matches[@]} ]] || die "No supported implementations match python_gen_usedep patterns: ${@}"
local out=${matches[@]}
echo "${out// /,}"
# @FUNCTION: python_gen_useflags
# @USAGE: <pattern> [...]
# Output a list of USE flags for Python implementations which
# are both in PYTHON_COMPAT and match any of the patterns passed
# as parameters to the function.
# The patterns can be either fnmatch-style patterns (matched via bash
# == operator against PYTHON_COMPAT values) or '-2' / '-3' to indicate
# appropriately all enabled Python 2/3 implementations (alike
# python_is_python3). Remember to escape or quote the fnmatch patterns
# to prevent accidental shell filename expansion.
# Example:
# PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_4} )
# REQUIRED_USE="doc? ( || ( $(python_gen_useflags python2*) ) )"
# It will cause the variable to look like:
# REQUIRED_USE="doc? ( || ( python_targets_python2_7 ) )"
python_gen_useflags() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
local impl matches=()
for impl in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
if _python_impl_matches "${impl}" "${@}"; then
matches+=( "python_targets_${impl}" )
echo "${matches[@]}"
# @FUNCTION: python_gen_cond_dep
# @USAGE: <dependency> <pattern> [...]
# Output a list of <dependency>-ies made conditional to USE flags
# of Python implementations which are both in PYTHON_COMPAT and match
# any of the patterns passed as the remaining parameters.
# The patterns can be either fnmatch-style patterns (matched via bash
# == operator against PYTHON_COMPAT values) or '-2' / '-3' to indicate
# appropriately all enabled Python 2/3 implementations (alike
# python_is_python3). Remember to escape or quote the fnmatch patterns
# to prevent accidental shell filename expansion.
# In order to enforce USE constraints on the packages, verbatim
# '${PYTHON_USEDEP}' (quoted!) may be placed in the dependency
# specification. It will get expanded within the function into a proper
# USE dependency string.
# Example:
# PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_{3,4}} pypy )
# RDEPEND="$(python_gen_cond_dep \
# 'dev-python/unittest2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]' python2_7 pypy )"
# It will cause the variable to look like:
# RDEPEND="python_targets_python2_7? (
# dev-python/unittest2[python_targets_python2_7?] )
# python_targets_pypy? (
# dev-python/unittest2[python_targets_pypy?] )"
python_gen_cond_dep() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
local impl matches=()
local dep=${1}
for impl in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
if _python_impl_matches "${impl}" "${@}"; then
# substitute ${PYTHON_USEDEP} if used
# (since python_gen_usedep() will not return ${PYTHON_USEDEP}
# the code is run at most once)
if [[ ${dep} == *'${PYTHON_USEDEP}'* ]]; then
local usedep=$(python_gen_usedep "${@}")
matches+=( "python_targets_${impl}? ( ${dep} )" )
echo "${matches[@]}"
# @FUNCTION: python_gen_impl_dep
# @USAGE: [<requested-use-flags> [<impl-pattern>...]]
# Output a dependency on Python implementations with the specified USE
# dependency string appended, or no USE dependency string if called
# without the argument (or with empty argument). If any implementation
# patterns are passed, the output dependencies will be generated only
# for the implementations matching them.
# The patterns can be either fnmatch-style patterns (matched via bash
# == operator against PYTHON_COMPAT values) or '-2' / '-3' to indicate
# appropriately all enabled Python 2/3 implementations (alike
# python_is_python3). Remember to escape or quote the fnmatch patterns
# to prevent accidental shell filename expansion.
# Use this function when you need to request different USE flags
# on the Python interpreter depending on package's USE flags. If you
# only need a single set of interpreter USE flags, just set
# PYTHON_REQ_USE and use ${PYTHON_DEPS} globally.
# Example:
# PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_{3,4}} pypy )
# RDEPEND="foo? ( $(python_gen_impl_dep 'xml(+)') )"
# It will cause the variable to look like:
# RDEPEND="foo? (
# python_targets_python2_7? (
# dev-lang/python:2.7[xml(+)] )
# python_targets_pypy? (
# dev-python/pypy[xml(+)] ) )"
python_gen_impl_dep() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
local impl matches=()
local PYTHON_REQ_USE=${1}
local patterns=( "${@-*}" )
for impl in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
if _python_impl_matches "${impl}" "${patterns[@]}"; then
python_export "${impl}" PYTHON_PKG_DEP
matches+=( "python_targets_${impl}? ( ${PYTHON_PKG_DEP} )" )
echo "${matches[@]}"
# @FUNCTION: python_gen_any_dep
# @USAGE: <dependency-block> [<impl-pattern>...]
# Generate an any-of dependency that enforces a version match between
# the Python interpreter and Python packages. <dependency-block> needs
# to list one or more dependencies with verbatim '${PYTHON_USEDEP}'
# references (quoted!) that will get expanded inside the function.
# Optionally, patterns may be specified to restrict the dependency
# to a subset of Python implementations supported by the ebuild.
# The patterns can be either fnmatch-style patterns (matched via bash
# == operator against PYTHON_COMPAT values) or '-2' / '-3' to indicate
# appropriately all enabled Python 2/3 implementations (alike
# python_is_python3). Remember to escape or quote the fnmatch patterns
# to prevent accidental shell filename expansion.
# This should be used along with an appropriate python_check_deps()
# that checks which of the any-of blocks were matched, and python_setup
# call that enables use of the matched implementation.
# Example use:
# DEPEND="$(python_gen_any_dep '
# dev-python/foo[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
# || ( dev-python/bar[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
# dev-python/baz[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )' -2)"
# python_check_deps() {
# has_version "dev-python/foo[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" \
# && { has_version "dev-python/bar[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" \
# || has_version "dev-python/baz[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"; }
# }
# src_compile() {
# python_foreach_impl usual_code
# # some common post-build task that requires Python 2
# python_setup -2
# emake frobnicate
# }
# Example value:
# || (
# (
# dev-lang/python:2.7
# dev-python/foo[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,python_single_target_python2_7(+)?]
# || ( dev-python/bar[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,python_single_target_python2_7(+)?]
# dev-python/baz[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,python_single_target_python2_7(+)?] )
# )
# (
# dev-lang/python:3.3
# dev-python/foo[python_targets_python3_3(-)?,python_single_target_python3_3(+)?]
# || ( dev-python/bar[python_targets_python3_3(-)?,python_single_target_python3_3(+)?]
# dev-python/baz[python_targets_python3_3(-)?,python_single_target_python3_3(+)?] )
# )
# )
python_gen_any_dep() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
local depstr=${1}
[[ ${depstr} ]] || die "No dependency string provided"
local i PYTHON_PKG_DEP out=
for i in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
if _python_impl_matches "${i}" "${@-*}"; then
local PYTHON_USEDEP="python_targets_${i}(-),python_single_target_${i}(+)"
python_export "${i}" PYTHON_PKG_DEP
local i_depstr=${depstr//\$\{PYTHON_USEDEP\}/${PYTHON_USEDEP}}
# note: need to strip '=' slot operator for || deps
out="( ${PYTHON_PKG_DEP%=} ${i_depstr} ) ${out}"
echo "|| ( ${out})"
# The current build directory. In global scope, it is supposed to
# contain an initial build directory; if unset, it defaults to ${S}.
# In functions run by python_foreach_impl(), the BUILD_DIR is locally
# set to an implementation-specific build directory. That path is
# created through appending a hyphen and the implementation name
# to the final component of the initial BUILD_DIR.
# Example value:
# ${WORKDIR}/foo-1.3-python2_7
# @FUNCTION: python_copy_sources
# Create a single copy of the package sources for each enabled Python
# implementation.
# The sources are always copied from initial BUILD_DIR (or S if unset)
# to implementation-specific build directory matching BUILD_DIR used by
# python_foreach_abi().
python_copy_sources() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
# @FUNCTION: _python_obtain_impls
# Set up the enabled implementation list.
_python_obtain_impls() {
if [[ ${PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE} ]]; then
local impl
for impl in "${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]}"; do
has "${impl}" "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}" && \
use "python_targets_${impl}" && MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS+=( "${impl}" )
# @FUNCTION: _python_multibuild_wrapper
# @USAGE: <command> [<args>...]
# Initialize the environment for Python implementation selected
# for multibuild.
_python_multibuild_wrapper() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
# @FUNCTION: python_foreach_impl
# @USAGE: <command> [<args>...]
# Run the given command for each of the enabled Python implementations.
# If additional parameters are passed, they will be passed through
# to the command.
# The function will return 0 status if all invocations succeed.
# Otherwise, the return code from first failing invocation will
# be returned.
# For each command being run, EPYTHON, PYTHON and BUILD_DIR are set
# locally, and the former two are exported to the command environment.
python_foreach_impl() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
multibuild_foreach_variant _python_multibuild_wrapper "${@}"
# @FUNCTION: python_setup
# @USAGE: [<impl-pattern>...]
# Find the best (most preferred) Python implementation that is suitable
# for running common Python code. Set the Python build environment up
# for that implementation. This function has two modes of operation:
# pure and any-of dep.
# The pure mode is used if python_check_deps() function is not declared.
# In this case, an implementation is considered suitable if it is
# supported (in PYTHON_COMPAT), enabled (via USE flags) and matches
# at least one of the patterns passed (or '*' if no patterns passed).
# Implementation restrictions in the pure mode need to be accompanied
# by appropriate REQUIRED_USE constraints. Otherwise, the eclass may
# fail at build time due to unsatisfied dependencies.
# The any-of dep mode is used if python_check_deps() is declared.
# In this mode, an implementation is considered suitable if it is
# supported, matches at least one of the patterns and python_check_deps()
# has successful return code. USE flags are not considered.
# The python_check_deps() function in the any-of mode needs to be
# accompanied by appropriate any-of dependencies.
# The patterns can be either fnmatch-style patterns (matched via bash
# == operator against PYTHON_COMPAT values) or '-2' / '-3' to indicate
# appropriately all enabled Python 2/3 implementations (alike
# python_is_python3). Remember to escape or quote the fnmatch patterns
# to prevent accidental shell filename expansion.
# This function needs to be used when Python is being called outside
# of python_foreach_impl calls (e.g. for shared processes like doc
# building). python_foreach_impl sets up the build environment itself.
# Pure mode example:
# DEPEND="doc? ( dev-python/epydoc[$(python_gen_usedep 'python2*')] )"
# REQUIRED_USE="doc? ( $(python_gen_useflags 'python2*') )"
# src_compile() {
# #...
# if use doc; then
# python_setup 'python2*'
# make doc
# fi
# }
# Any-of mode example:
# DEPEND="doc? (
# $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/epydoc[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]' 'python2*') )"
# python_check_deps() {
# has_version "dev-python/epydoc[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
# }
# src_compile() {
# #...
# if use doc; then
# python_setup 'python2*'
# make doc
# fi
# }
python_setup() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
local pycompat=( "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}" )
if [[ ${PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE} ]]; then
local has_check_deps
declare -f python_check_deps >/dev/null && has_check_deps=1
# (reverse iteration -- newest impl first)
local found
for (( i = ${#_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]} - 1; i >= 0; i-- )); do
local impl=${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[i]}
has "${impl}" "${pycompat[@]}" || continue
# match USE flags only if override is not in effect
# and python_check_deps() is not defined
if [[ ! ${PYTHON_COMPAT_OVERRIDE} && ! ${has_check_deps} ]]; then
use "python_targets_${impl}" || continue
# check patterns
_python_impl_matches "${impl}" "${@-*}" || continue
python_export "${impl}" EPYTHON PYTHON
# if python_check_deps() is declared, switch into any-of mode
if [[ ${has_check_deps} ]]; then
# first check if the interpreter is installed
python_is_installed "${impl}" || continue
# then run python_check_deps
local PYTHON_USEDEP="python_targets_${impl}(-),python_single_target_${impl}(+)"
python_check_deps || continue
if [[ ! ${found} ]]; then
eerror "${FUNCNAME}: none of the enabled implementation matched the patterns."
eerror " patterns: ${@-'(*)'}"
eerror "Likely a REQUIRED_USE constraint (possibly USE-conditional) is missing."
eerror " suggested: || ( \$(python_gen_useflags ${@}) )"
eerror "(remember to quote all the patterns with '')"
die "${FUNCNAME}: no enabled implementation satisfy requirements"
# @FUNCTION: python_export_best
# @USAGE: [<variable>...]
# Find the best (most preferred) Python implementation enabled
# and export given variables for it. If no variables are provided,
# EPYTHON & PYTHON will be exported.
python_export_best() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
[[ ${EAPI} == [45] ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}"
eqawarn "python_export_best() is deprecated. Please use python_setup instead,"
eqawarn "combined with python_export if necessary."
[[ ${#} -gt 0 ]] || set -- EPYTHON PYTHON
_python_set_best() {
multibuild_for_best_variant _python_set_best
unset -f _python_set_best
debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: Best implementation is: ${best}"
python_export "${best}" "${@}"
# @FUNCTION: python_replicate_script
# @USAGE: <path>...
# Copy the given script to variants for all enabled Python
# implementations, then replace it with a symlink to the wrapper.
# All specified files must start with a 'python' shebang. A file not
# having a matching shebang will be refused.
python_replicate_script() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
_python_replicate_script() {
python_export PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR
exeopts -m 0755
doexe "${files[@]}"
python_fix_shebang -q \
local files=( "${@}" )
python_foreach_impl _python_replicate_script
unset -f _python_replicate_script
# install the wrappers
local f
for f; do
_python_ln_rel "${ED%/}/usr/lib/python-exec/python-exec2" "${f}" || die