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# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
DESCRIPTION="Various sparc utilities from Debian GNU/Linux"
KEYWORDS="-* sparc"
RDEPEND="|| ( >=sys-apps/util-linux-2.13-r1 sys-apps/setarch )"
# NOTE: If a system has >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.0, don't build audioctl
# as the SPARC sound drivers have been replaced by their ALSA equivalents
pkg_setup() {
has_version '>=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.0' && \
einfo "Linux 2.6 kernel headers detected, not building audioctl"
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
epatch "${WORKDIR}/${PN}_${PV}-3.diff"
sed -i -e 's:#include <linux/elf.h>:#include <elf.h>:' \
src_compile() {
emake -C elftoaout-2.3 CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
emake -C src piggyback piggyback64 CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
emake -C prtconf-1.3 CC="$(tc-getCC)" all || die
has_version '>=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.0' || \
emake -C audioctl-1.3 CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
src_install() {
# since the debian/piggyback64.1 manpage is a pointer to the
# debian/piggyback.1 manpage, copy debian/piggyback.1 to
# debian/piggyback64.1
cp ${S}/debian/piggyback.1 ${S}/debian/piggyback64.1
dobin elftoaout-2.3/elftoaout || die
dobin src/piggyback || die
dobin src/piggyback64 || die
dosbin prtconf-1.3/prtconf || die
dosbin prtconf-1.3/eeprom || die
if ! has_version '>=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.0'; then
dobin audioctl-1.3/audioctl || die
newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/audioctl.init audioctl || die
newconfd debian/audioctl.def audioctl || die
doman audioctl-1.3/audioctl.1
doman elftoaout-2.3/elftoaout.1
doman prtconf-1.3/prtconf.8
doman prtconf-1.3/eeprom.8
doman debian/piggyback.1
doman debian/piggyback64.1
pkg_postinst() {
ewarn "In order to have /usr/sbin/eeprom, make sure you build /dev/openprom"
ewarn "device support (CONFIG_SUN_OPENPROMIO) into the kernel, or as a"
ewarn "module (and that the module is loaded)."