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18 lines
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--- conf-update-1.0/conf-update.c.orig 2006-10-09 13:23:33.000000000 +0200
+++ conf-update-1.0/conf-update.c 2010-09-23 08:58:54.982551103 +0200
@@ -133,12 +133,12 @@
esc_myfile = g_shell_quote(myfile);
highest = get_highest_update(protected, protected[i]);
esc_highest = g_shell_quote(highest);
- cmd = (char *)calloc(strlen("diff -Nu % % | grep \"^[+-][^+-]\" | grep -v \"^[-+]#\" | grep -v \"^[-+][:space:]*$\" " ) + strlen(esc_highest) + strlen(esc_myfile), sizeof(char));
+ cmd = (char *)calloc(strlen("diff -Nu % % | grep \"^[+-][^+-]\" | grep -v \"^[-+]#\" | grep -v \"^[-+][[:space:]]*$\" " ) + strlen(esc_highest) + strlen(esc_myfile), sizeof(char));
strcpy(cmd, "diff -Nu ");
strcat(cmd, esc_myfile);
strcat(cmd, " ");
strcat(cmd, esc_highest);
- strcat(cmd, " | grep \"^[+-][^+-]\" | grep -v \"^[-+]#\" | grep -v \"^[-+][:space:]*$\"");
+ strcat(cmd, " | grep \"^[+-][^+-]\" | grep -v \"^[-+]#\" | grep -v \"^[-+][[:space:]]*$\"");