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# Update SpamAssassin rules and reload daemons that use them.
# First, redirect stdout to /dev/null.
exec 1>/dev/null
# Try to update the rules.
# Exit code 0: all new updates were installed.
# Exit code 1: we were already up-to-date.
# Exit code 3: some updates were installed, but some weren't.
# Any other exit code indicates failure.
if (( $? == 0 || $? == 3 )); then
# Compilation spits out its progress onto stderr.
sa-compile 2>/dev/null
# Do you run spamd or amavisd? Both daemons need to be reloaded
# in order to pick up the newly-updated rules.
if command -v rc-service 2>/dev/null; then
# OpenRC is installed. These "status" checks should succeed
# only when the daemon is running under OpenRC. We redirect
# stderr to hide the lecture that OpenRC gives you if you
# try this on a system running systemd.
rc-service spamd status 2>/dev/null && rc-service spamd reload
rc-service amavisd status 2>/dev/null && rc-service amavisd reload
if command -v systemctl 2>/dev/null; then
# The systemctl (systemd) executable is installed, so try to
# use it to restart spamd and amavisd. These are safe to run
# if systemd is installed but not in use.
systemctl try-restart spamassassin
systemctl try-restart amavisd